Chapter 19

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The woman accepted the envelope Jaekyung gave, took a peek in it and nodded, "I'm listening," she said.

Jaekyung took another swig of his drink and gave a wallet sized picture of Dan that he keep in his wallet, "I need you to find this man for me," he said, "think you can do that?" he said, his brow raised up as if challenging,

The woman looked up at him and smirked, "pretty sure I can, considering is part of my job description," she said, taking her strides to help herself with a glass and pour a nearly a full amount of Jaekyung's old fashioned that seemed to cost enough for an average minimum wage earner to pay a month's rent.

Jaekyung gave her a look, "you drink a lot for such a tiny girl," he criticized.

The woman only glanced at him, "I think you should be telling me this person's name instead of telling me how much I can drink," she said before she downed the whole glass in one go.

Jaekyung shrugged, "his name is Kim Dan, he was my physical therapist... up until today when he decided to disappear on me and ran away to somewhere I don't have a fucking idea where," he seethed, gripping his liquor glass tightly, you can hear the glass creaking.

The woman swallowed the last gulp of the liquor and made a face, "fuck... that's some good old fashioned," she said before pouring another glass, "alright, Kim Dan, know where he was last employed before he worked for you?" she asked, taking her notepad out to write his name and some more information.

"According to his paperwork, he used to work at XYZ general hospital, that's it," Jaekyung answered, "he used to be a physical therapist there too," he added.

The woman wrote it down as well then closed her notepad, "alright then, I'll take care of it," she said, taking the newly filled glass and downed it down, "anything else? Cause I'll be starting tomorrow," she said.

Jaekyung smirked, "you're a renowned name in New York, Miss Jessica Jones, I'm having high expectations from you," he said.

Jessica smirked that cocky smirk, "if you think I'm not good enough, you wouldn't know how renowned I am all the way here," she said, clinking her glass with his before downing the last contents of her liquor, "nice English by the way," she added then she put the glass down, "calm your dick, I'd find your boyfriend for you," she said before he stood up and walked out the penthouse.

Jaekyung clenched his teeth at her words, if he didn't need her help he would've decked her across the room, but right now he just sighed to calm his nerves and made his way over to the floor to ceiling window, looking out the shining city of Seoul under the starry night sky.

Black eyes filled with determination as he stared at the night sky, "I'm gonna find you Kim Dan, I'll find you... whatever it takes,"


The next day, Jaekyung woke up in his room, feeling unusually cold despite currently being in the middle of summer.

"Is this how it felt before you came to my life?"

Jaekyung thought, he sighed and pushed himself up, took a shower and got dressed to go the gym, opting to drop by a café for a breakfast pastry and coffee.

Everyone greeted him when he arrived at the gym but he doesn't care, but when coach Namwok acted all normal and was not looking for Dan or asking why he arrived alone it made him wonder.

"Have you heard from Doc Dan lately?" Jaekyung asked as they were preparing for a spar.

Namwok paused, "oh... so... you didn't know?" he asked.

Jaekyung froze and glared at his coach, "know what?" he asked grimly.

"Well... he resigned... about a week ago," Namwok said, making Jaekyung feel like a wein pop, "he said we keep it between us for a while, I didn't know why but I just said okay,"

"I WAS HIS FUCKING EMPLOYER WHY DID HE NOT TELL ME THAT?" Jaekyung roared at his coach, his voice reverberated all over the gym, making everyone stop what they're doing and look at him, "WHY THE FUCK YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" he growled angrily.

Namwok was never afraid of Jaekyung, he knew the man for a long time and disciplines it most the time, but for the first time he felt terrified of the man, he couldn't say anything and just stared at him and watch how his already black eyes turned darker, as if he can kill every single one of them here and feel no remorse.

"Where is he?" Jaekyung asked through gritted teeth.

"I don't know," Namwok answered, trying hard for his voice not to waver, "he didn't say where he'll go, he just... said he'd live somewhere far, live in peace" he added.

Jaekyung gritted his teeth, knuckles forming into a fist and squeezing tight, he breathed harshly through his nose before he turned around and made his way to the lockers, trying so hard to suppress all is anger before he hurt anyone.

Jaekyung took all his things from his locker, unravelling the cloth wrapping around his hand and throwing it away, after he took his bag he slammed his locker door so hard it nearly snapped out of its hinges.

"Jaekyung..." Namwok called but was cut off when Jaekyung turned around to face him.

"Shut up," Jaekyung growled before he turned back around and made his way out the gym, going back home.


Jaekyung haven't stepped foot in the gym now for the last 3 days, and he hasn't heard from Jessica as well since he hired her.

But then she dropped by as she found information.

"Boss," Jessica called as she conveniently barged in, "I found some info, so before him and his now deceased grandma... may she rest in peace... had wen to Seoul they used to live in a province called Gangwon-do, that's about an hour away from here, that's where he was originally born," she started, "he lost his parents in a freak accident there when he was 7 then they transferred here," she said, reading her report.

"What's that gotta do with where he is," Jaekyung said in a daze as he was looking out the city through the floor to ceiling window.

Jessica rolled her eyes, holding back some sarcasm, "he could probably ran away to this province," she said, making Jaekyung's eyes flicker but he didn't turn around to face her yet, "apparently I have 3 other points of interests of where he could run away to that is relevant to his grandma's roots, his parent's roots and one place he liked to go to," she continued.

Jaekyung nodded then finally turned around to face her, "go, check those places out, turn it upside down and leave no stone unturned," he commanded, tossing a set of car keys over to her, "find him," he added

Jessica caught the keys and blinked, "and if I didn't find him there?" she asked, "you know I'm only here on a visit visa lasting 30 days, right?" she added with a sneer, "I'm here for a vacation too," she muttered.

"I'll take care of that, I'll take care of everything you need to stay here longer and help find him," Jaekyung said, "and if you didn't find him on those points of interest then I'll pay you more to turn the whole of Korea upside down to find him," he said in determination, "you need to find him, whatever it takes," he added, trying to mask his determination.

Jessica's brows furrowed, she can be blind like her lawyer friend back in New York but she can see how desperate and hopelessly in love Jaekyung is, "fine, I'll do it," she said, not asking any more questions, she's being paid to find someone not to gossip, "I'll start searching tomorrow I need to gather more info, I'm not from here so, ya know.... gotta learn more about the place first before driving there," she said, fiddling the keys in her hand before she made her way out of the penthouse.

Jaekyung sighed and plopped on the couch, squeezing his temple as his thoughts are filled with Dan.


Meanwhile, Dan had settled in the apartment he rented that is close to his uncle and cousin's house, he touched down 2 days ago and he just finished unpacking his things in this fully furnished apartment, he got lucky because of his uncle and he's grateful for that.

"Time to look for a job tomorrow," Dan murmured and smiled, patting his belly, "our new life begins," he said.

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