Chapter 33

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Dan and Jaekyung called it a night at around 9 pm, they already had dinner before returning back to the hotel.

"I'm excited for our activities tomorrow, its our last day of exploring then we will return," Dan said as they exited the elevator when they reached their floor.

Jaekyung smiled and nodded, "it does, but we can always come back if you want," he said and he pulled the key to their room and inserted it in the keyhole.

Dan entered the room first and plopped himself on the bed, "ahhh~ the day was so tiring," he said.

Jaekyung chuckled and took Dan's bath towel and tossed it to him, "then go and take a shower so you could sleep early," he said, "and remove your shoes now so your feet can rest," he added.

"Don't wanna moooooooove," Dan whined and turned to his side, his feet dangling on the edge of the bed as he's still wearing his shoes.

Jaekyung chuckled and after he put his footwear away, he proceeded to go and take care of Dan now; going ahead to remove his shoes for him and sitting down to massage his feet.

This startled Dan and he blushed when he felt the relaxing way Jaekyung his rubbing on his feet, "y-you... you stop that! My feet are dirty!" he squealed shyly as he turned redder.

Jaekyung shrugged, "its fine... I know your feet are sore now from all that walking, and the ice skating," he said as he rubbed circles on Dan's foot, "you could use a massage," he said and smiled.

Dan blushed again and bit his lip, "you deserve it too, you walked lots of miles in this trip too," he said softly.

"I'm okay," Jaekyung said, he was massaging Dan's foot for about 10 minutes then he stopped, "there, your feet is rested now, go ahead and take a shower, I made sure to keep the settings warm for you," he said and got up so he can settle in the couch for a moment and scroll his phone, where their to-do list for tomorrow are jotted down.

Dan stared at Jaekyung for a second before he got up and went to the bathroom to get a shower.

After 15 minutes, Dan finished taking a shower and Jaekyung is still on the couch, a little busy with editing his itinerary, Dan smiled and he joined Jaekyung on the couch, wrapping an arm around his neck and leaning his head on his shoulder, "what's that?" he asked.

Jaekyung jolted and turned to look at Dan being cozy with him, his muscles tensed but he tried to relax, Dan has never once initiated any intimate contact like this on him since he found him, "just... our activities for tomorrow," he said as he shut his phone down now since he can't focus anymore now anyways, his heart and mind too busy fighting off the butterflies. Jaekyung then went to open his arms and held Dan close, "shower was nice?" he cooed, cupping Dan's cheek as he held the smaller man in his arms like a baby.

Dan nodded and nuzzled his face close to Jaekyung's chest, inhaling his cologne, "yep... t'was warm," he murmured, closing his eyes as he's about to drift off to sleep.

Jaekyung smiled and bent down to kiss at Dan's forehead, scooping him up in his arms and laying him down on the bed, tucking him in and kissing his forehead then his cheek, "I love you, sleep well," He whispered before he went and entered the bathroom to take a shower, not forgetting his clothes so he can change in the bathroom.

Dan opened his eyes when he heard the bathroom door closed and the lock clicked, staring at the bathroom door for a moment before he got up and kept his eyes on it, as if waiting for Jaekyung to finish taking a bath. He sighed, laying a hand on his cheek where Jaekyung had kissed earlier, his face heated as he felt butterflies invading his stomach and he blushed, this whole New York trip had just suddenly awakened all his feelings for him, only this time... he is falling in love to a changed Jaekyung. Someone who is also in love with him like he does.

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