Chapter 31

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Dan's eyes widened and blinked as he stared at Jessica, turning his head to look behindhim to make sure Jaekyung is really gone, his heart clenched and unclenched when saw that it's only the two of them in the room right now.

Then he looked back at Jessica, eyes still wide in shock and fear, "y-you know about that too?" he whispered fearfully.

Jessica chuckled, "I mean... I'm a PI, it's part of my job description to know that," she said, making Dan gulp in fear, "but not really my job to disclose that," she said and she filled her glass with another shot of liquor.

Dan lowered his head, "so... you haven't told him," he murmured, internally thankful for that.

Jessica sipped his whiskey, "nope, he paid me to find you, my job scope does not include finding information about you," she said, clarifying things, "I mean I could've told him, which is why it took me a week to ring him and tell him where you are," she added, "I suppose you never went to a hospital for a checkup at all, you don't have any hospital records anywhere, except for that one hospital record I found in Seoul when you found out about your pregnancy and your... peculiar sexuality," she said and cleared her throat, "but... it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the baby was his, I mean... the resemblance is truly unbelievable, it's like the baby is Jaekyung's other half of a coconut," she added, making Dan slouch.

Dan sighed, "he does look very much like him, so moving on is really tough," he said.

Jessica swirled her glass to play with the ice cubes in her glass, "it's not my business to disclose about the baby, it's your right if you would tell him, so don't worry my lips will remain sealed," she said, "any chance you can tell me if he's ever gonna know though? I wanna take a picture of his face if he ever finds out," she asked, adding a little joke just to lighten the mood.

Dan shook his head, "I don't intend to..." he said and sighed, "not for now at least, I have to think about it," he murmured, "he says now that he loves me and all that, him finding out he has a son will be a whole new different story," he said, "I have to think about my son first," he added.

Jessica shrugged, "well... that's the perfect time to reveal if he really does love you or not," she mused, "real men who truly and really loves you will just fall in love with you more once they know that his love for you resulted in a miracle," she said.

Dan paused and thought about those words.

"But it will still be up to you if he's gonna know," Jessica said, internally jolting when Jaekyung suddenly entered carrying a plastic bag of food from the convenient store, Dan nearly had a heart attack at his sudden appearance

"Statue of Liberty is overrated, go on a date at the Shore Road instead," Jessica adlibbed out of nowhere so they won't be too suspicious about their topic.

"What are ya'll talking about?" Jaekyung said as he sat down beside Dan again.

"Places to go to in New York, it's his first time here so I'm giving ideas," Jessica said nonchalantly.

"And you couldn't have waited for me so I can hear it too?" Jaekyung deadpanned.

"You have internet and Google, do it yourself," Jessica sassed and sipped her whiskey.

"You're an asshole,"


It's almost dusk when Jaekyung and Dan left Jessica's place, crowds of people are flooding in the streets as they are now on their way home after school and home, so Jaekyung kept a firm hold of Dan's hand as they made their way back to the hotel.

"Let's just have dinner on the diner next to the hotel, I know you're tired from the travel and the walks," Jaekyung said, entwining his fingers with Dan's finger as they made their way back, "I heard their New York strip is good there, let's try it out," he said.

7 Days || Joo Jaekyung x Kim DanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon