Chapter 22

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Jaekyung's piercing black eyes kept staring at the small apartment before him, seemingly deciding on going over to knock on the door or wait for tomorrow to come and see him.

When he decided on the former, he saw the lights began to turn off. So he stopped every urge in himself to go over and disrupt his evening by his sudden appearance. He instead ordered himself a cab and took a ride to the nearest hotel he can find at the city.


2 days earlier, Seoul –

Jaekyung's whole body was still frozen after Jessica dropped the bomb about knowing where Dan is, its as if he couldn't believe she found him.

"Yo, still there?" Jessica said over the phone.

"Keep going," Jaekyung said, trying to sound unfazed.

"Well, its silly but... I was just in Toronto last month, field work and all, and I stumbled upon him in a grocery store," Jessica started, "I wasn't even trying and I found him," she said and laughed, "anyways, I was supposed to be there for just 2 days but I stayed for a week more to investigate, I got all his information then I went home," she said.

Jaekyung body went frigid, "you knew this whole time already and only now you just called?" he asked.

"I was debating on whether to tell you or not, I don't know if you like... moved on or something, don't wanna ruin your healing process," Jessica said.

Jaekyung sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "email me his address," he said.

"Well okay, guess you haven't [move on yet]," Jessica said, "I'll send it to you soon, I need to get off the line now my phone bill's gonna drive me crazy by now, k? k bye," she said and hung up.

Jaekyung rolled his eyes and put his phone aside, but then he can feel his heartbeat racing, in mere minutes he can know where Dan is. He strode his way to his room, pulled one of his biggest gym bags out and stuffed as many clothes as he can in there, also not forgetting his wallet and house keys.

His phone dinged, Jessica emailed him the address.

Jaekyung stared at the email for a while, then he got up and left the penthouse.

Incheon international airport –

"One way ticket to Toronto, business class," Jaekyung said to the airport staff, not bothering to make a reservation and wait for a day more, he straight up purchased a ticket at the airport and go the same day.

After he got his ticket he shoot a text to coach Namwok that he'd be gone for a while before putting his phone to airplane mode and proceeded to his gate.

At around 9 pm, his flight departed Seoul.


Jaekyung is now laying on his hotel bed, just 10 minutes away from the small town Dan currently lives in, he was thinking of things he will say or how to react when he saw him again. Millions of questions to ask.

"Why did you leave?"

"What happened to you?"

"How have you been?"

"Have you been doing okay?"

"How could you leave me alone?"

"Are you seeing someone?"

The last question that echoed in his mind made his blood boil, because what if he is? What is he gonna do if Dan is with someone else now?

"He better not be," Jaekyung muttered to himself, then he sighed as he got up and went for a shower.


The next day –

Dan woke up to the sound of the baby wailing from his nursery, he got up and went to check on him.

"Good morning jeje," Dan cooed and picked him up, then his face scrunched up, "oof! You stink!" he said and chuckled, "no wonder you're grumpy," he teased and kissed his forehead, "alright let's go get you washed up and we eat breakfast, we're going grocery shopping today," he cooed.

After he finished washing the baby, he fed him his favorite banana oatmeal while he got toast and eggs, then they got dressed to get ready to go to the supermarket.

Ding dong.

Dan carried the baby and answered the door.

"Hey Dan,"

"Steven!" Dan greeted his friend and neighbor happily.

Steven smiled and waved at the father and son duo, he's Dan's neighbor, blonde hair with green eyes and also much taller than Dan at 6 feet, he pinched the baby's cheek playfully, making the baby giggle, "you and little jeje going somewhere?" he asked.

"Yeah, we'll just go grocery shopping today, we kinda need to restock," Dan said, blushing a bit.

"Oh really? Want me to drive you there? Commuting is such a hassle when grocery shopping," Steven offered.

Dan blushed a little bit more, "oh! No need, we don't wanna bother,"

Steven chuckled, "hey, you're not bothering, I'm offering, besides I have a car seat at my car now," he said and smiled, "it's my day off too so, nothing much to do," he said.

Dan find him too charming to decline, "fine... let's go," he said and he closed the door of his apartment and locked it before he followed Steve.

Soon they arrived at the town's local Target and they marched there together, the baby strapped around Dan's chest with his carrier and was pushing the cart as well, dropping items he needed at home.

"So... are you busy next week?" Steven asked, putting in some items in his basket.

"Hmmm... nothing much, why?" Dan asked.

"I have extra tickets for a movie, wanna come watch it with me?" Steven asked in a shrug, "my brother who's supposed to watch it with me back out, so... I was thinking of bringing you instead," he said.

Dan blushed at that, "well... I'd love to, but... I can't leave my baby," he said.

Steven smiled, "it's okay, I can buy an extra one so little dude can come along," he offered.

Dan smiled and politely declined, "no, jeje hates the loud speakers in the cinema, that's why we prefer to just watch movies at home," he explained.

Steven's shoulder sagged at that, "oh..." he murmured sadly, not pushing anymore.

Dan looked up at him, kind of guilty now, "but... let me see if my uncle and cousin are free... maybe they can babysit for me for a while," he said.

Steven smiled again at that, "that's great, but... if it's really not possible, it's okay," he said and pinched Dan's cheek too, making Dan blush some more.

Then they continued to grocery shop.

Soon, Steven drove Dan and the baby home, helping Dan unload the groceries and made sure they're good before he went home.

Dan was in the middle of arranging the groceries in the pantry after putting the baby up for a nap when his doorbell rang again.

"Steven is that you? Did you forget something?" Dan called as he made his way to the door.

But when he opened it, a different familiar face greeted him instead. He felt like all the blood in his body ran dry and his feet was rooted where he stood, his brown eyes wide as he met that menacing black eyes he knew so well and haunt his dreams every now and then.


"Kim Dan," Jaekyung said as he stood in front of Dan.

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