Chapter 6

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The next few days went by like a blur, and true to his words Jaekyung really did took care of the funeral any everything, despite all of Dan's protests. It was held in a private hall with only Jaekyung and Dan's gym buddies, the doctor and the nurses that took care of the old lady are the only visitors.

Each people told their condolences to Dan and most of them had left now due to work.

Dan remained quiet throughout the whole service, never saying one word and looking at anyone other than his grandmother's photo on a frame in front of him.

"I've arranged everything for the burial tomorrow, for now... we can go..." Jaekyung said, trying to break Dan out of his trance.

Dan remained unfazed and kept sitting there, "you can go first... I'll... I wanna stay here some more..." he said for the first time in a while.

Jaekyung blinked at him but did not protest as usual, understanding the need for some time and silence right now, so he nodded and turned to walk away.

As he left, he eyed two random people he doesn't know who are making their way inside the hall where Dan is alone. As the two people passed him by he slowly stopped in his tracks and just watched them enter the hall, squinting his eyes when the two people sat next to Dan inside the hall.

Jaekyung was about to stride his way back but then:

"Jae! You going as well? Come on ride with us back at the gym!" Coach Namwok called when he saw Jaekyung about to leave.

Jaekyung hesitated for a while before he sighed and made his way to his coaches, sparing one last glance before entering the car.


Later back at the penthouse, Dan was in his room, still staring at the contents inside the box his grandma left to him, sighing as his mind reel with a lot of things.

He jolted when he heard the main door opened and closed shut, which meant that Jaekyung had went home, he opened his bedside drawer and placed the box in there before making his way out the room, "sir... you're back..." he said, padding his way downstairs.

Jaekyung looked up at him, "how long have you been home?" he asked, putting a paper bag down on the dining table.

"I went home around afternoon..." Dan said, "have you eaten? I'm sorry I haven't cooked anything yet, let me go ahead and—"

"No need, I bought take outs," Jaekyung cut him off and gestured at the paper bag, "I took a day off and decided to go for some chicken tonight, I need some protein to burn coming Monday," he said, pulling a seat out to sit down.

Dan nodded, "alright, let me get the plates," he said and made his way into the kitchen.

Jaekyung watched his retreating back, reaching for the paper bag and took put the box of chicken from it, "who are those people?" he asked.

Dan paused on his tracks when he heard the question before he recovered and continued his way to the table, laying out the dishes and the cutleries, "what?" he asked.

"Some people entered the hall earlier when I left, you know them?" Jaekyung asked, opening the packet of pickled radish that came with the chicken.

"Oh... them..." Dan murmured and sat down too, "it turns, they are my grandma's family too," he said as he fiddled with his chopsticks, "her son and and other grandson... other than me," he murmured.

Jaekyung raised a brow, "really?" he said, putting a piece of chicken on his plate, he also put one on Dan's plate.

Dan chuckled, "yeah... apparently my grandma contacted them a few days ago, so she can see them for the last time, they only found the time to get off their work now... when everything is too late," he murmured and sighed, "I didn't know i have an uncle and cousin all along..." he murmured.

Jaekyung bit his chicken, "that's good to hear, are they staying long?" he asked.

Dan shook his head, "no... they'll be leaving tomorrow..." he said.


After dinner, Dan went back to his room, laying on his bed as he think of a lot of things, particularly the conversation that he had with his long lost uncle and cousin from earlier. More and more things are piling up in his reel of thoughts the more days that go by after his grandma died.

"Grandma... what am I gonna do with my life?" Dan muttered to himself.


Dan jolted up from laying down when he heard someone call him from the dark, he hasn't even heard Jaekyung open the door and entered the bedroom, "you good?" he asked as he stood there in the dark room with his arms crossed.

"U-uhm... yeah... I'm fine..." Dan murmured.

Jaekyung scratched the back of his head, "you know... I'm not so good at this all," he said and sat beside him on the bed, "making people feel better after... something sad or tragic happened to them, I'm basically not good with all the crappy feelings," he said and sighed, "but... I'm really, really sorry for the loss, doc... and... if you ever need me or... anything at all, I'll be here..." he said in a gentle tone.

Dan blushed, his brown eyes softening as he stared at his boss, tears filled his eyes once more, he sniffled softly, "i know... I'm asking too much, but... can I... borrow your shoulder for a moment?" he whispered softly.

Jaekyung stared at him, good thing the room is dark otherwise Dan will be able to see the flash of red staining his cheek right now, without saying another word he just scooted closer to Dan until he felt the man touch his shoulder.

When Dan felt Jaekyung's broad muscled shoulder touched him, he broke down and began sobbing again, leaning close to Jaekyung and using him as a wall to pour out the pain he is feeling inside.

Jaekyung listened to his sobs for a minute, a minute that felt like an eternity as he can feel the pain from how much Dan cried, and a minute is all it took for him before he pulled away for a second then pulled Dan to his chest instead so he can cry while someone holds him and not just him leaning into a human wall, to let the poor doc know he is not alone.

Dan's teary eyes widened when he was suddenly held like this by his boss, once again he felt warm in this cold, dark room. He felt safe and he felt like... he is truly not alone right now, he closed his eyes and began crying again, leaning his head on Jaekyung's shoulder and wrapping his arms around him too, letting the tears out and soaking Jaekyung's night clothes even.

Jaekyung did not mind, he hugged the smaller man closer, burying his nose on his soft hair even, smelling his own shampoo on Dan's hair and that made him smile internally. 

7 Days || Joo Jaekyung x Kim DanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora