Chapter 17

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Jaekyung left the gym earlier by 2 hours, exhaling a deep sigh as he left the bathroom after showering and getting dressed.

“You’re leaving unusually early today huh,” Coach Namwok commented as he watched Jaekyung pack up his gym bag.

“I have somewhere to be,” Jaekyung flatly answered before taking his bag and walking out.

He made his way to his white sports car and drove to the nearest mall. Getting out and going to a designer shop to buy some new clothes.

“What kinda clothes should fit that crybaby?”

Jaekyung mused to himself as he browsed for clothing.

“All he ever wear is either a shirt and jeans or scrubs, zero sense of style as always *scoff* I hate poor people.”

Jaekyung pulled out a white suit from the rack and matched it with a white pants and black dress shirt minus the tie, while he himself has gotten an elegant black suit and tie, a black pants to pair it with and white dress shirt.

He went to the register to check his items out and decided to wear his suit now as he went to shop some more things.

He passed by a flower shop and he almost vomit as he entered it as if on autopilot.

“The fuck am I doing here? Why the fuck did I went here? Do I look like the sort of asshole who buys flowers?”

Jaekyung scolded himself but his train of thoughts were interrupted by a florist offering help.

“Good afternoon sir, how may I assist?” the florist asked.

Jaekyung’s brain seemed to lag for a second before answering, “uhm… you got some…” he stuttered, his gaze shift from left to right, “…flowers?” he asked the florist; a person that sells flowers, in the flower shop.

The florist gave a sheepish smile, “uhm… yeah… I’m sure we do,” she said.

10 minutes later Jaekyung left the flower shop with a scowl on his face, holding a bouquet of pink roses on one hand and the paper bag of suit he picked for Dan on the other hand.

“Fuck this shit! Fuck falling in love!! Fuck it!!!”


Jaekyung drove his way back to the penthouse, carrying the things he bought with him.

“Yo doc! I’m home! Where you at?!” Jaekyung called as he placed the things he bought on the dining table, “Kim Dan!” he called again, usually he would see the doctor already without him needing to announce his presence.

Jaekyung raised his brow in confusion as he could only hear a pin drop silence all around the penthouse.

Then something caught his eyes, he saw a piece of paper sitting on his coffee table in the living room.

Jaekyung made his way over and found folded bond paper laid on the table and a white letter envelope next to it.

He picked up the bond paper first and unfold it, reading a handwritten letter that he knew too well who belonged to;


I’m sorry, I cannot wait for you to come back, I hope you find this letter and take the time to read it.

I know I’m a coward for doing this instead of looking at you in the eye and telling you this in person.

In the envelope is the remaining debt I owe you plus the interest, I’m paying it all in full now. Grandma asked me to sell his bridal closet and use the money to settle any debts I owe, as well as… live a normal peaceful life, so I did and will do so now, that is her last will.

I’m sorry for all the troubles I have caused, I paid you back in full for all the troubles, and as promised I’m out of your hair, I’m sure you will find someone better than me to help you with your jinx.

It tears me to not say this in person, but… I wanted to say, for the last time.

I love you, Mr. Joo Jaekying.

And goodbye.

-Kim Dan.”

After he finished reading the letter, all of the veins in Jaekyung’s body felt like it will pop in so much anger, his hand crumpled up the paper in his hand, his other hand reached for the envelope and tore it open, making all the money inside it to scatter everywhere.

“Kim Dan you son of a bitch,” he muttered in anger.

Jaekyung got up and made his way upstairs to Dan’s room, each step like roaring thunder.

He slammed open the door to Dan’s room, finding it empty and dark, he switched the lights on and opened the closets and drawers.

Dan packed all of his things and his bags are gone, only things that were left are the familiar clothes that Jaekyung gave him and bought for him.

He stood in the bedroom, eerie silence is the only thing making a sound.

Jaekyung smirked menacingly, “you motherfucker.” He muttered grimly.


Incheon international airport –

Kim Dan is sitting in the waiting area, he has been sitting there for half an hour, he constantly looks at his watch to look at time.

He perked up when he heard the announcement.

“All passengers boarding flight KE071 bound from ICN to YYZ please proceed to gate 2, again all passengers boarding flight KE071 bound from ICN to YYZ please proceed to gate 2. Thank you.”

Dan sighed and carried his shoulder bag and one suit case as he went to the gate.

He looked back one more time.

“Goodbye, Seoul, Goodbye… Mr. Joo,”

He took a deep breath and made his way to the gate to complete his boarding.

At exactly 6pm, Kim Dan left South Korea.

A/N: some fries motherf*cker (surprise motherf*cker) haha, ya'll can breathe easy now Dan isnt gonna K word himself 😂

Thanks for all the support always, all your comments (especially hilarious ones) warms my heart soooooo much, love ya'll 😘

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