Side story [4]

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The next day –

*ding dong*

Dan paused mid sip of his coffee as he got up and answer the door, "oh hey Steven! Anthony!" he greeted his friends with a hug.

"Daaannnn!" Anthony squealed when he saw his best friend again, "gosh I missed youuuuu!!!!!! This guy kidnapped me for like 3 days!!!" he whined and pouted, earning a chuckled from Steven.

"That's two and a half days," Steven opposed as he chuckled.

Dan chuckled too as he let them in, "so how's your trip to *Montreal? You've only known each other like... about a month and a half ago and you two are already traveling together," he said, poking fun at them. (*Montreal – a city in Canada which is 5 hours away from Toronto where they live.)

"It's not like I want to come," Anthony muttered.

"I asked if you if wanna come visit my parents with me, you said yes, I didn't force you," Steven defended, "besides you almost don't wanna leave, you even wanna go back to the botanical garden there before we drove back," he added, making Anthony blush.

Dan laughed at them, "so, what makes you come here so early?" he asked.

"Well, Jaekyung texted me, he said he wants me to accompany him somewhere," Steven said, scratching his head.

"Oh... where?" Dan asked and Steven shrugged.

Soon Jaekyung is making his way downstairs, limping slightly as he made their way to Dan and his friends, "oh you're finally here, ready to leave?" he asked Steven.

"Uhm... you okay?" Steven asked, tilting his head confusedly when he saw the way Jaekyung is limping, Anthony stared down at Jaekyung too.

"Yeah, I'm fine, let's just go," Jaekyung said as he took his keys on the coffee table, "I'll be back shortly, okay? Steven and I are just going somewhere," he said to Dan and kissed his forehead sweetly.

"Are you sure you're okay to go out like that?" Dan asked worried, thinking about Jaekyung's leg.

Jaekyung gave a reassuring smile and peck his lips, "I'm fine... stay here with Anthony, want anything for when I come home?" he asked.

Dan chuckled, "if you can drop by the Korean store, I'm craving some kimchi noodles and banana milk," he said.

Jaekyung smiled and nodded, "anything for my love," he cooed then he limped his way out the door, "come on Romeo," he called Steven.

Steven deadpanned at him, "you're the Romeo, you flirt," he retorted, then he looked at Anthony, "what about you? Anything you want?" he asked.

"Just... a cappuccino latte frappe," Anthony said and make a 'go away' gesture with his hand.

"Gotcha," Steven said and chuckled as they both left now.

"Where do you think they're going?" Anthony said as he sat down with Dan on the couch.

Dan shrugged, "not sure, I just hope he's okay with going out walking like that," he said.

"Wait, what happened to him? Why's he limping?" Anthony asked.

Dan sighed.


Driving –

"Hey, where are we really going?" Steven asked as he sat at the passenger seat, "why didn't you bring Dan instead? Why are you limping?" he kept asking.

"Why are you so noisy?" Jaekyung scowled and glared at Steven.

"Geez man, you're bringing me somewhere I don't know, of course a guy's gotta ask," Steven said, "who knows you'd probably sell me somewhere," he said.

7 Days || Joo Jaekyung x Kim DanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora