Chapter 20

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Bright morning skies shone through the window, soft white linen blanketing the king sized bed where Jaekyung sleeps, his alarm went off at 7 in the morning as usual.

He groaned and reached to turn the alarm off before he pulled himself up the bed, doing his usual routine before heading to work; taking a shower, brushing his teeth and making himself a fried eggs and toast for breakfast along with some coffee.

He was taking his time, just sipping his coffee quietly as he looked out the floor to ceiling window, staring out at the same mundane city just below his penthouse suite.

He sighed as he remembered stuff.


One year ago –

"Any luck?" Jaekyung asked Jessica when she appeared in the gym, its currently 9 pm now and the gym is supposed to be closed, but Jaekyung decided to stay in and work out some more.

Jessica sighed "he's not in there too," she said and put the folder back with papers in them right at the bench near the ring, "I've been here six months and I've almost traveled all of South Korea by now, it appears that he went off the grid or disappeared off the face of the earth," she said and sighed, "I'm sorry..." she said.

"You just weren't looking hard enough," Jaekyung scoffed when it was another let down, he has been searching for Dan for nearly half a year now.

Jessica scoffed right back, "look, I know my job better than you do, and me not finding where someone is had either left the earth or died, hell I even find dead people for fuck's sake," she said.

Jaekyung glared at her, "shut up!" he growled, "I pay you to do your job!" he seethed.

"I did my job! I did as you said for the last half year! I left no stone unturned all over Korea but I can't find him!" Jessica seethed back, "one other option is that he might've ran away overseas and that's not in my scope anymore!" she said and sighed.

"Look, I need to go back, I can't stay here forever and keep looking for your physical therapist all my life," Jessica said, pinching the bridge of her nose, "I need to go, and you need to let go..." she said and stared at the obviously still fuming athlete, "he disappeared, maybe because its his choice, and he needed to be himself... give it time... maybe he'll be back soon,"

"if he wanna come back, he would've already," Jaekyung muttered.

"Exactly, and if he doesn't then..." Jessica faltered and looked down, "...maybe, its time you move forward too," she said and looked back at Jaekyung, "I can see how much he means to you, I can tell by your desperation to find him, but..." she paused and sighed again, "dude... you need to move on," she said.

Jaekyung closed his eyes and turned his head sharply, "I can't give up!" he growled, "I don't want to..."

"Sometimes... you don't need to give up, just... let go..." Jessica said and she rolled her eyes, "God, I'm grossing myself out," she groaned distastefully, "if you really love the man, let him go... if he's really for you, he'd come back..."

Jaekyung was silent as he just breathed evenly.

Jessica sighed, "I'm catching the next flight tomorrow back to New York, I'm sorry I never found him," she said before she turned around and left the gym.

"I cannot let go! I don't want to! I need to find him!" Jaekyung shouted at himself.

The door clicked close after Jessica left.


Jaekyung sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose when he remembered that, Jessica Jones, his private investigator, failed to find Kim Dan all over the country and left one year ago after six months of continuously looking for Dan since he left, making it a year and six months since Dan disappeared and never seen again.

He sighed again and downed the rest of his coffee before taking his bag and leaving for work.


Team black gym –

Jaekung is in the ring training a newbie to their team.

"Stiffen your form and clench your fist more! Your punches felt like tickles!" Jaekyung commanded as he held the cushion that the recruit is punching.

"Go easy on him Joo! He's just been here 2 months," Namwok called from outside the ring.

Jaekyung scoffed, "2 months already and still weak!" he muttered and barked more orders during training.

After the sparring session, Namwok went to Jaekyung, "so... have you decided on the offer?" he asked.

"I already gave my answer a week ago, I said no," Jaekyung grumbled as he finished his water bottle.

"Come on, its been a year, you're my best fighter," Namwok egged on.

"Which is why, I agreed to train these idiots and make them your new best fighters, ain't that enough?" Jaekyung said, turning to look at his fellow coach.

"Don't you miss it? The adrenaline of fighting and wining? The crowds cheering on you?" Namwok asked, still trying to convince him.

"No," Jaekyung answered without hesitation, zipping his bag close, "listen ya'll! next week we focus on leg work so never skip leg day and until the next fighting season avoid any strenuous activities, we have upcoming matches lined up next month!" he ordered, making everyone nod and yell a 'yes coach' over at him.

Then Jaekyung go back to fixing his stuff again, Namwok still continued to egg him, "what ever made you decide to stop being an athlete and decide to be a coach?" he asked.

Jaekyung paused for a second and closed his water bottle, "none of your business," he said before he took his bag and went back to the lockers.


One month later –

The fighting season was over now and the Jaekyung's team black can now go back to being laid back and relaxed once more.

Jaekyung was currently watching a movie in his living room, the same black and white movie he watched with Dan before, this movie is something he doesn't really pay much attention to, but whenever he sees it he wants to play it, probably because it reminds him of Dan.

His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Hello?" Jaekyung answered it as if on autopilot, not even bothering to look at the called ID.

"Long time no see,"

"Who's this?"

"It's me boss, Jessica,"

Jaekyung's eyes widened, "I thought you died, I never heard from you since we last saw each other," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Jessica scoffed from the other line, "as if you'd care about what's happening in my life," she counter-sarcasm his back, she's just sassy like that.

Jaekyung shrugged, "touché," he said, "so... what's up?" he asked.

"International calls are expensive so I'll make it quick," Jessica said, not beating around the bush anymore, "I think I know where he is," she said.

Those very words are enough to make Jaekyung's world stop.

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