Chapter 23

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It felt like time slowed down as their worlds began to collide once more.

To Jaekyung it feels like his world stopped when he saw Dan again, after a full year and a half, he's now standing right in front of him.

Meanwhile to Dan, it felt like his world came crumbling down after a meteor strike, weeks and months spent struggling to get over this man and the trauma he had to endure suddenly wasted.

"H-how... how did you find me?" Dan asked, words struggled to form and leave his mouth as he felt his breathing accelerated, because oh no... what if he's here to hurt him after leaving him in the air just like that.

"I have my ways..." Jaekyung said quietly, eyes pierced a hole through Dan's soul.

"I paid my debt... why are you still here for? What more do you want?" Dan asked, panicking so much internally, his voice broke and his breathing was accelerating. All the trauma came rushing back.

Jaekyung's eyes widened when he saw how panicked Dan is turning, "hey... calm down," he said gently, raising a hand to reach for him.

Dan jolted and as if trying to block a punch he raised his arm, "no! please don't hurt me..." he begged softly, eyes closed.

Jaekyung froze, he's never seen Dan so terrified of him like this, has he been this scared of him?

"J-just... just tell me what you want..." Dan said nearly in a sob, breathing unsteady, "and leave me alone... please... I just wanna... live," he murmured.

Jaekyung swallowed a lump in his throat, "I'm not here to hurt you, or to collect debt..." he said, "I'm here... because I've been looking for you..." he admitted.

"Why? Why are you looking for me?" Dan asked, trying to brave himself and get this over with, "I told you... I don't wanna live like that anymore, I don't want to be your tool for satisfaction or the answer to your jinx!" he said, "I... I just want my life back," he said, almost begging.

Jaekyung closed his eyes, "I'll tell you all that, but first... can I come in?" he asked, he normally doesn't ask as he's used to doing as he please, but this is different.

Dan realized he's right, he should've invited him in, but then he remembered.


His innocent son, who Jaekyung has no idea of existing, is just one floor above them. What if the baby wakes up and cries? What if Jaekyung find out? What will he do if Jaekyung finds out and do something about it? Like take him away... or possibly... take him out?

No, no he can't let that happen! He had to get them out of here, he had to keep his son safe, even from his own father; Jaekyung is unpredictable, he might hate kids and might hurt his son for even existing.

"No." Dan said firmly, "we can't talk in my house, I know a café near here, there's not much crowd there during this time," he said, "please, let's just go there," he said.

Jaekyung raised a brow but did not protest, "sure, if that's what you want," he said.

Dan sighed, he closed the door and locked it, then he took his phone out to send Steven a text to kindly go to his place for a while and watch the baby, Steven had babysat for Dan before and he knows where Dan keeps the spare key. Dan trusted him.

"Let's go," Dan said and walked before Jaekyung, the taller man following suit.

A pair of green eyes were staring at Dan and Jaekyung's retreating back from a distance, Steven had been watching from the window of his own apartment ever since he heard a taxi pulling up next door. His eyes squinted as he stared at the taller, black haired man next to Dan.

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