Pt.72 goodbye

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Y/n pov
**tw:mentions of abuse**

After Benny left I cried for at least ten minutes

I'm glad that no one was awake because I didn't want comfort right now

I soon was able to stop crying and calm myself

I look in the mirror and I see that my eyes are red and puffy

"Shit!" I whisper yell

I just hope that Jordan or my dad doesn't notice

I get changed into some comfy shorts and grab tank top

I also but on Bennys hoodie that he gave me as well as the baseball cap I stole yesterday

I go downstairs and see my dad sitting having his usual cup of coffee

but today it was in a to go cup from the diner

"Hey y/n" I coldly walk past him

I then realize there's no food

"I'm gonna go to get some coffee when do we leave?" I ask

"3 hours and could you wake your brother up" I nod and go straight to his room

"Jordan wake up" I turned his light on

"Why would you do that?" He covers his eyes

I just walk back to my room and grab a pair of slippers

I didn't care how anyone saw me I mean im leaving today

I walk out the front door and accidentally slam it behind me

I start walking to the diner and thinking about what I will do once we get to Eden

I will definitely steal the room that I like but then what

I guess I will just go around and try to meet some new people

Maybe I will make a friend

I stop pondering as I walk through the diner door hearing the bell ring

"Morning y/n" the normal clerk greets

"Morning Sam one coffee to go if you could" I sit at a bar stool

"Coming right up!" He says cheerful

Not even two minutes goes by before he hands me the coffee

I thank him and give him money then walk out

I decided to get snacks for the trip

Then I realized I don't know how we are getting to Minnesota

We probably will drive but I never really asked

I ignore my realization and head into Vincent's store

I Hear the same bell as everybody had and walk to get chips

I broswed the aisles occasionally grabbing stuff for me my dad or my brother

By the time I was done I had three bags of chips a few pops mine my dad and brother's favourite gummy's and chocolate

"5.54" the clerk tells me

I only have 5.25 "Jesus Christ!" I sigh

"I'm sorry can I put somethjng back I only have 5.25" I ask trying to figure out what to put away

"Nonsense I will pay the other 30 cents don't worry" I try and wager but her dosnt allow me to

So I pay and grab my three bags that I assorted into each person

I walk back to my house and see him

" yeah yeah?" I tilt my head

He was sort of far away but I could tell from how short he was

I walked closer to him

"Yeah yeah?" He whipped around

When he saw me he hid his face

And I understand why It was all bruised and he had a few cuts on his knuckles

"Hey" I hug him dropping my bags

He doesn't hug back instead he cries into my chest

" I'm sorry y/n I really am" I hear him mumble through cries

"It's ok, did your parents do this?" I ask pulling form the hug and kneeling down

He just nods without verbally answering

"Are you okay" he shakes his head and my heart breaks

"I need help y/n" he croaks

"Uhm okay you can stay at my house we are moving today but the renters won't be her for another week" i reassuringly told him

He agrees to the idea

"But just remember leave before the end of the week" I tell him as I grab my bags

We walk and i noticed he was not clean

It looked like he hadn't properly cleaned his cuts nor had he washed In a shower for at least a week

"I can clean your cuts when we get back" I say quietly

"Thank you" he gives me a weak smile

"Dad! Someone's here" I yell walking into my house

"Who is it?" I hear as my dad gets up

"Oh Jesus!" He gasps seeing yeah yeah

"I told him he could stay the week here until the new people come because he can't go back" my dad shakes his head

"Y/n" he softly speaks

"No dad I am not letting yeah yeah go back to that house at least not this week I mean look at how they treat him!" I argue

"Fine" my dad sighs in defeat

"Here is $5 for food during the week you could probably get two pizzas with that and there is bottled water in the fridge" my dad hands yeah yeah the money

"Thank you truly" yeah yeah thanks both me and my dad

"No problem" I say smiling as he hugs me

"Now y/n we have to leave" my dad announced

"Fine" I angrily walk out of my house

My dad had packed all my clothes and everything that was left in my room

into a suitcase so I just waited in the car

Soon both my dad and brother had brought their stuff as well and hopped into the car

We all buckled our seats and I put in earplugs

"Why do you have earplugs in?" My brother questioned form the back

"Cause I don't want to listen to you now let me sleep" i rest my head onto a neck pillow

I slowly started falling asleep as we drove away from our house

The end

979 words

Hey y'all if you have any feedback let me know here

It's done guys!!!!!!!

I'm going to do a snapshot of y/n in minesota but that will be a new story so stay tuned!

I love y'all so so much and byeeeeee :)

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