22 1 3

Another week or so had gone by, I noticed benny and smalls were acting a little weird

They were hanging out alone more and were whispering about a lot of things

I decided to ignore it and move forward

I was much better but I had a small bruise on my ribs and my eye

I got up and it was almost 7:30 so I went downstairs

My dad was reading a newspaper at the table while drinking his coffee

"Morning dad" I say cheerfully

"Morning sweetheart" he responds smiling at me

I make my coffee then chug it because me and Jordan aren't allowed food or drinks upstairs and I didn't want to sit down here

Then I head back upstairs and start getting dressed

I put on a black tank top some shorts and my trusty converse

I grab my bat my glove and a baseball cap then head to the front door

"BYE DAD!" I shout closing the front door

"Hmm bike or walking? Walking biking hurts my legs" I start walking "why am I talking to myself?"

Today was extremely hot but I continued walking because this was going to be the first and best day of my summer playing baseball

I get to the sandlot and all the boys are in the dugout

I walk over and grab a coke from the cooler then sit on the ground beside the bench since there's no room

"Benny these cokes aren't working I'm baking like toasted cheeses" ham complains

All the boys agree with him

"Alright if you want to be a can't hack it panty waist who wears there mamas bra raise your hand" Benny says

All the boys raise their hands but I don't because it's to much effort

"Fine be like that then what are we going to do?"

All the boys get up and in unison yell


"Jesus Christ do you have to scream in my ear!" I cover my ears after hearing them

We all go our separate ways to our houses to get changed

Since how hot it was I decided to just wear my shorts over my swimsuit bottom then just wear my bikini top as my shirt

I walk down my stairs and hear a high pitch cracking voice
My brother

"Y/n where the hell do you think your going looking like that?!?"

"Ugh! Phillips can't I just wear this I'm just going to the pool!" I complain knowing he'll try and make me wear something ridiculous

"No! At least wear like a flannel or something over it" i groan at this and push past him grabbing the thinnest flannel i had and put it on

I walk out and look at Phillips "better?!?"

"Yes now you can leave" he responds nonchalantly

I rush down the stairs and out the door and I see Benny standing at the bottom step of my porch

"Why hello Benny boy" I walk down the steps and Benny puts his arm around my shoulders as we start walking

"Hey princessa" he smiles and doesn't stop

"Hey you know we're kind of a couple now" he says breaking the silence that was setting


"Well how would you like to go on a date with me?" He blurts out

Even though I knew he was going to ask that I was still shocked when he did

"You know I would love that" I sigh

"What?" He looks at me confused

"Well we shouldn't go on a date until we tell everyone because what if someone sees us then it turns into us hiding a secret and drama" I say

"Oh yeah I don't think I really thought about that" he chuckles

We get to smalls house and wait for not even a minute before smalls walks out saying bye to his mom

We walk down the street to the other guys houses

"Hey y/n when's your birthday I forget?" Smalls asks abruptly

"Uhh oh July 4th" I respond

I see Benny and smalls give each-other a few glances with looks but I decided to ignore it

After a while we had slowly picked everyone up and now we were about halfway to the community pool

Everyone is in little mini groups talking about random things

Benny still had his arm wrapped around my shoulder and was standing to my right and smalls was on the other side of me, we were talking about family things

"Hey where has Kacy been I feel like I haven't seen her a lot?" I look towards Benny

"Oh she didn't tell you? She's on this retreat with Brianna and her mom for like the next week or so" he says almost avoiding eye contact by looking at his feet

"Oh" I think I'm jealous

I don't know why though but it feels like she hasn't spent any time with me and been spending all of her time with Brianna this summer

It's like kacy is replacing me but that's stupid I mean she can't replace our 11 year friendship in two weeks...

Can she?

I'm dragged away from my thoughts as we walk to the entrance of the community pool

Smalls pays for everyone even after I try fighting him to let me pay for myself and all the boys go into the boys change room and I go into the girls since you have to go through one or another to actually get to the pool

I take my shoes shorts and flannel off and walk out

Somehow the boys were already in the pool I look over for a place to put my stuff

J see ham walking past some girls suntanning greeting them then showing off his nonexistent muscles

He then cannonballs into the pool splashing all of the girls causing them to jump up and walk away

I find a seat and set my stuff down then go to the edge of the pool

I put my feet in the water and I sense someone walking up to me

I turn around and see Benny he runs and jumps into the deep end then swims over to me

"Why aren't you in the water?" H asks finally being right in front of me

"Cause I don't know" I shrug my shoulders

I hear something behind me and look back then feel two hands on my waist pulling me into the water

As I resurface I look to see a smirking and very proud Benny

"Oh I'm going to kill you!" I swim after him and soon catch up

We start play fighting splashing each-other having fun when we see everyone all in a group gazing at one thing

1123 words

Hey y'all if you have any feedback or comments leave them here

Really lazy so this is a filler bc I haven't been following the actual story line so yeah

But I love y'all so much and byeeeeee :)

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