Pt.55 McLennan's

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"Y/n what happened?" I look to yeah yeah then back at Benny

"I was cleaning a cut on his face and he kissed me, but Benny I didn't kiss back I-" he cuts me off

"Y/n I know you didn't, I just don't know how yeah yeah could" he glared at yeah yeah

"Benny why the hell did you punch him?!?" Kenny asks now I'm mad

"What would you rather I punch him for kissing me?!?" I hissed

"It was one kiss y/n people do it all the time!" I feel my blood boiling

"Yeah CONSENSUAL kissing he just kissed me even though I m dating one of his best friends!" I continue

"and I told him to stop but instead he leaned in again!" All the boys start looking at each other

"You know what get out!" I yell

"Who me?" Kenny asks

"No all of you! Including you Benny I need some space right now" they start packing their stuff

Soon the green house is empty and silent

I sigh sitting on the couch thoughts racing through my head

*why is my life like this?*

*why did he kiss me? I'm dating Benny*

*everytime something in my life that's good happen something ten time worse happens*

*I need to talk to someone*

"Jordan" I mumbled grabbing a baseball cap and a skateboard

I ride my skateboard to Phillips field

They unlike the sandlot boys can stay as long into the night as they want because their field has lights

I get there and see them playing as usual

"PHILLIPS YOUR SISTERS HERE!" A kid yelled jirdan look towards me and started jogging

"Y/n what's up?" He has a concerned look

"Yeah yeah tried kissing me two times" he looks a little upset

"Did you tell him no or was it like spin the bottle" I chuckle

"I was cleaning his cuts on his cheek and he kissed me I told him no and he tried doing it again" my brother continued looking confused

"Ok so from the beginning of the story please" I nod

We walk to the dugout and sit

"Ok so me yeah yeah and the rest of the sandlot boys were arguing on who would win in a fight me or yeah yeah" he nods

"So evemutually we decided to just fight, we laid rules and whatever and started fighting" my brother smirks

"Did you win?" I nod

"Yeah I beat the shit out of him, but I felt bad so I was helping him with his cuts in the bathroom" he pays more attention

"I was cleaning out a cut on his face when he leaned in kissing me, I pushed him away telling him to stop but he didn't he tried kissing again so I walked away" Jordan was mad

"Benny hit him a few times"

"then Kenny got into a argument with me about how it wasn't a big deal so I kicked everyone out" I examined Jordan's expression

"Jordan what's going on?!?" One of his friends hollared

"Just play the game I have to leave for a little!" They nod and start the game up again

"Let's go to yeah yeahs house do you know where he lives?" I hesitate telling him

"What are you going to do Jordan?" He huffs

"I'm not going to beat the kid up I'm going to make sure he doesn't have a good last two weeks of summer" he gives a evil grin

"Fine come on I'll show you the way" I roll my eyes

I ride in my skateboard to his house with Jordan following on his bike

"Here" I point

We leave the skateboard and bike in the front yard and Jordan walks up to the door

He knocks and we wait a few seconds before yeah yeahs mom opens the door

"Hey mrs mclennan" I greet her

"Hey y/n uh yeah yeah isn't here right now" she looks behind her

"Well actually we wanted to talk to you about yeah yeah" Jordan says

"Okay uhm here come in have a seat" she dusts her skirt

Me and Jordan sit down on their couch and she sits across from us

"Okay so what did he do?" Her smile was fading

Jordan explains everything and by the time he's finished she had just gotten up and went to the phone

She called Kenny's house and told Kenny's mom that yeah yeah needed to come home

I felt scared for yeah yeah, his mom seemed nice but he didn't exactly have the best home life

And something like this could be bad for him if we leave to early

Jordan on the other hand didn't see a flaw in this family

He thought that yeah yeah maybe would get grounded for a few weeks

I am just hoping he won't get hurt

"I truely am sorry Alan wasn't raised to act like that" she sits smiling

"Don't you worry Alan will give you an apology and he will definitely be grounded" I stare

"Oh no mrs. McLennan I don't want him to be more mad at me by having to apologize" she frowns

"Him be mad? I don't care if he hates you he caused this mess he will face the consequences" I gulp a little

Yeah yeah walks through the front door hollering for his mom

He sees me and stops in his tracks

"Yeah yeah Jordan and y/n have told me what happened today" she says

She stood up facing him with her hands on her hips

"I-I-I-I they did?" He sounded terrified

"Yes and I think you owe y/n a apology! I did not raise you to act like that!" She says sternly

Yeah yeah steps forward "y/n I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you and I should have apologized when you told me to back off" he sounded genuine

"Thank you I forgive you" he gives a weak smile

"Now go to your room your grounded!" He almost argues but follows her orders

"Would you two like to stay for tea or food?" Her tone and expression changed

"No thank you we have to start heading home" I tell her

We leave the house and go home

My dad was home from work and we greeted him

Neither told a word of what happened with yeah yeah instead we ate dinner like normal

I did the dishes and went to my room changing into pjs

I climb into bed and fall asleep immediately

1093 words

Hey y'all leave any feedback you have here

I don't know how many more parts there will be but I do know that things are going to be happy for a little bit

But for now i love y'all so much byeeeeeee :)

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