Pt.3 movie day

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As me and Kacy get to her house she looks at me a little annoyed

"What?" I askes her confused

"Why did you take his money it wasn't yours and then you put it in your shirt like it was kind of messed up y/n" she stares

I can see in her eyes she is serious and I just blankly look at her

"I can go it back or get home his money back" I say trying to solve the issue

"Y/n it's not about that it's about principle I mean you would beat him if he did that to you so why are you doing it to him" she says in a annoyed tone

"I-I-I don't know I just thought it was a funny joke" I stutter

"Not all your jokes are "funny" you know some are just plain rude!" She states

We stand there staring at each other on her porch for a few more seconds before I say anything.

It starts to get awkward so I start to talk to break the silence

"If I'm rude why didn't you say anything why did you just laugh about it Kacy?" I questioned a little bit rudely

"Oh my god! You know what just never mind forget I said anything" she stated then picked the bags up and walked in her house

As I followed her to her room and I slowly closed the door because I thought there was definitely going to be some yelling and the last thing I wanted was to have everyone in the house know we were fighting

She turns around and looks at me

"Can we talk about what happened we have never had a fight before and I don't think we should break our 11 year streak. And I don't want to go through hours of awkward silence and I know that is literally torture for you" she said softly

"Ok , what set you off on me I mean I always do dumb stuff like that today but why was this time taken differently" I ask hoping she doesn't say what I think she will

"Y/n I'm not kidding I don't know why but this time it just really pissed me off what you did" she says avoiding looking at me

"Ok" I say

"I have a question for you though y/n" she says looking up

"Shoot" I say

"Y/n do you like Benny?" It stings me as she asks the question. This time it was different she was serious

"No I-" she cuts me off

"Then why do you always act like your in love with him, you always want to see him and talk to him. So either you like him or something is up with you"
She said as she was trying to not make eye contact

"if you do I can confidently say he likes you back" she looks at me to see how'd I would react to try and read my expression

"I don't know kacy I mean he is attractive and if he asked I would date him, but do I like him? I really don't know" I say making up my words without even thinking about them

"You just described liking someone in a nutshell" she chuckles and I chuckle with her

For the next around 6-7 hours we watched movies on Kacys old tv in her room. While also eating our snacks together sharing them

after a while we had finished our 4th movie.

Kacy got up to bring the bowls form the snacks downstairs.

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