Pt. 20 ur gay

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I apologize for the title I had no vision for this chapter so that means no title ideas


I couldn't fall asleep after having that nightmare

Instead I kept replaying what happened with Jake over and over again

*oh my god*

I sat up and Benny did to

"What y/n?" he said in a groggy voice

*god he sounds hot not even lyinggggg*

"What is Phillips going to say?" I think about this

"What's my dad going to say?" I mutter

"What are they going to do"

"Will Phillips do something to Jake?"

"Would he stop talking to him?"

"Y/n come on lay back down and get some more sleep you need it" benny said rubbing his eyes

I look at Benny with a disgust look

I think he somehow knew because he then said

"Not like that but like you need sleep"

"your paranoid about what happened and you need to sleep so you can actually function especially since ur now hurt your body is going to start putting more energy into healing you, so you need as much energy as you possibly can get"

*since when the fuck did benny become a doctor*

*haha I should call him Dr. Jet*

*you get it because his nickname is the jet so dr. And jet = Dr. Jet*

*of course I get it I'm thinking it so how wouldn't I get my own joke?*

*why am I talking to myself in my mind?*

"Fine but I don't think I will get much sleep" I lay back down but I decided to use Bennys chest as my pillow

"Oh uh okay" he mumbles

"Are you okay with this?" I look up at him

"Do you feel safer?" He asks looking back at me

"Mhm" I answer

"Then I'm perfectly okay with it" I could hear he had a smile

I the laid there sort of falling in and out of sleep until I started seeing the sky Become lighter

I got up quietly trying not to disturb benny,

I don't think my efforts worked though because I forgot how to use my legs and so I stood up and then fell over

*what the actual fuck just happened y/n*

I got up and my side hurt because it was just my luck that I fell in my already hurt ribs

"Y/n what happened are you good?" I hear Benny ask

403 words

Hey Y'all loved this chapter him it is going to maybe get juicy soon bc I would really be bored reading this bc nothings happened yet

But for right now I love y'all so much and byeeeeee :)

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