Pt.43 kacy!

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"Y/n?" Benny was confused

I saw Kacy in her bathtub she cut herself

I look around for whatever reason and find it

I had given her a pocket knife with our initials engraved on the wooden side

She used that to cut her wrist

I immediately take my tank top off after I found no towels and wrapped it around her arm halfway on the cut and also a little higher stoping circulation and the blood that was already bleeding from continuing to bleed

I hold her in my arms not even noticing Benny had took a hammer and banged kacys bedroom door so he could get in

"Oh my god!" He screams

He finds a phone dialing 911

"911 what your emergency?"

I grab the phone as Benny was unable to find his voice

"H-h-el-l-l-o?" I stuttered

"Hey ma'am what's your emergency?" The kind lady asked

"My friend my friend she she she cut herself!" I frantically said

"Ok where are you?" I tell her the address

"I-I-I I stopped the bleeding but she lost a lot of blood" I was crying

"Is there anyone else with you?" I look at Benny

"Yes uhm my boyfriend and kacys brother Benny but he won't be any help"

"Okay how old are you all and what's your name?" The woman was distracting me

"I just turned 16 yesterday Benny and Kacy are 16 as well, my name is y/n. Y/n Jane Phillips" I tell her

"Ok now I need you to stay calm there is an ambulance on its way" the calming tone does nothing

"How the fuck can I be calm?!? My best friend is bleeding out in my arms!!!" I choked feeling a lump in my throat

The lady stays on call with me we hear sirens Benny runs getting the medics to where you were they got Kacy onto a stretcher

We walk downstairs we weren't allowed in the ambulance but we watched as they drove away

I looked at my body and wanted to scream

I was covered in her blood

"B-b-Benny?" I croaked almost losing my voice

"Princessa?" He croaked to

I could barely stay in those clothes but I couldn't take the time and change instead me and Benny ran to the hospital

We got looks from everyone I'm pretty sure I even saw squints but I didn't stop not once

We had finally arrived to the hospital panting in exhaustion just after we caught our breath the ambulance pulled in

They rushed her into the ER

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