Pt 1 phillips

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Y/n (you): your 15 years old and your sister to Phillips, your best friend is Kacy, you love baseball and so you and Kacy often paly wi tbh her brother and his friends at the sandlot

Jordan (Phillips): is your brother he is a year younger than you so he's 14. He hates Kacy and all the sandlot boys
Benny: is kacys twin brother he's 15 you have had a crush on him for a while, he only cares really about baseball but he does show some interest in you

Kacy: is your best friend she 15, she is very nice and loves baseball along with you. She does not like your brother

Yeah yeah: he's 14 and is one of the sandlot boys

Scotty: he's around 13 years old and is a sandlot boy

Squints: he is 13 as well and a sandlot boy

Bertram: he's a tall 14 year old and is also a sandlot kid

Ham: he's 14 years old and is a sandlot boy

Kenny: he is 15 like you Kacy and Benny and is a sandlot kid

Timmy: he is 12 years old and is a sandlot boy as well as Tommy's older brother

Tommy: he is Timmy's younger brother and the youngest sandlot boy he is 11

I woke up around 7:30. Ugh I always wake up early when I am waiting for something.

Today I was going to my best friends house and having a sleepover, first one of the summer and we were going to make it the best.

I am y/n for my whole life I've lived in California

since kindergarten I have known kacy, my best friend. I won't ever forget when I met her because since I met her we have never stopped being friends.

it all started when she helped me fight some of boys until they let us play baseball with them,

they didn't want us to because they thought we couldn't play since were girls. one of those boys was her brother Benny.

Me and her brother have a odd relationship to say the least, we are friends and we fake flirt sometimes.

Sometimes I wonder if he's actually flirting with me though.

Of course not I mean he has never cared about girls, all he cares about is baseball.

Now of course it's a anomaly that me and kacy are friends actually more ironic because our brothers are mortal enemies.

My brother is Jordan Phillips the biggest asshole to all the sandlot boys including Benny.

During the story I will say Phillips instead of Jordan to address ur brother

But anyways I go downstairs to get some food. Phillips is there with one of his annoying friends. His friend whistled at me and I responded

"Fuck.. off"

"Hey why are you in such a bad mood today?" My brother questions

"Maybe because I don't like being catcalled in my own house by your dumb friends" I snap back at him.
"Why is he even here? It's 7:30"

My brother looks at me with a confused look "it's not 7:30 y/n it's almost 10"

"What?!?" I yell I look at the oven clock and realize he's right I then run back upstairs to get ready to meet Kacy at her house

"I'm supposed to be there at 10:30 I guess I will be late like always since I didn't pick ahead of time" I mutter to myself as I pack

I grabbed a backpack and I put some shorts and a oversized t-shirt which had the collar ripped off, well cut. I also shove some Jean shorts and a tank top or two along with the rest of my clothes.

I grab a dark red tank top and some high waisted jeans shorts and I changed into them, then I grabbed my old and extremely worn out red converse I hastily pulled them on and I accidentally fell over but I luckily caught myself. I didn't bother tying them I just shoved the laces into the shoe so I didn't fall over while walking.

"Phillis what time is it now?" I yell

"10:15 why are you in such a hurry?" He yells back

I start to walk down the stairs while saying "because I'm going to kacys house for today and I'm spending the night you know we have done it every year in the first night of summer for like 6 years" I say to him chuchkling at how he forgot

"Ugh! I hate when you hangout with Kacy! Why are you friends with her" he complained annoyingly

"Because unlike you I have good taste in friends and I don't care how much you hate her brother it doesn't mean you can treat her like crap" I said

"Ok ok but before you go" he said stopping me by standing in front of me

"What Phillips"

"You know dad will want you back right in the morning right?" He asked

"Yes I know but could you maybe convince him to letting me stay the rest of tommorow?" I ask smiling trying to get him to agree

"Fine! But only if you do a favour for me" he said as he looked back at his friend then me and started smirking

"What 'favour'?" I questioned a little mad

"Well my friend jake over here" he put his arm around jake while continuing
"You see he recently got dumped and you know he's been in the dumps about it" he said

*I don't think u like where this is going*

"Ok what does that have to do with me?" I snapped

"Could you take my man here on a date?" He finally got to his point with a huge smirk on his face

"Are you fucking serious jordan?!" I yelled



"So you should fucking know how much convincing it will take for me to convince him to let you stay for a whole 24 hours at kacys house!!" He continued yelling

"Your right but a whole date!" I said yelling aswell

"Yes and besides I also know what you did with Kacy last summer don't I"

"Now let me ask you how do you think dad would like to hear about that?" He smirked

I could almost hear the evil in his voice

"FINE!" I yelled defeated

"One date for three hours, tomorrow at 6 o'clock I will pick you up from here" Jake piped up

"And wear a dress" he said smiling

"Can we negotiate the three hours?" I pleaded

"No! It's final now pinky promise" my brother spat

"Okay okay" I said and I pinky promised him then started to walk past them

"Now bye I have to go I'm going to be late as always" I say running out the front door
"Bye!" I hear him yell as I closed the door

Hey guys Ik it might seem boring but let me know if you would like and changes or just give some feedback here!

Love you all and this story might seem to go fast

bc I hate writing suspense stories so I usually rush it right to the good part

K byeeeeee

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