Pt.24 police 👮‍♀️

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Hey y'all uhm so this is going to be a really long chapter but the next will be a long time skip so that's why

"Nothing" my jaw had dropped


*what the hell does he mean nothing*

"What? Why?!" I demand

"Because there's no point in making this worse by getting people like the police involved" y/n responds turning to me

"But what if he hurts you again?" I stare into her eyes

"Don't you want to know you did something to try and stop him from hurting anyone else y/n?" It looked like her jaw was going to drop

"Benny... we'll dad what do you think I should do?" She turns back to her dad and everyone else does to

"I think we need to get the police involved y/n because he hurt you and there's a chance he will do it again even if it's not to you"

he then continues to talk before anyone can pipe up

"Not only that but he might hurt someone more than just a kick to the ribs it might be something we should do whatever we can to stop something like that from happening" he finishes.

Then I walk over into the living room in front of y/n so I can see her face with Phillips following insuit of my actions

"Ok" y/n mutters

"Let's go now" her dad stands up and so does everyone else

Kacy Phillips and my mom stand up along with y/n but Mr.Phillips stops them

"Uhh could you all stay here I think the only people who should go are me y/n and Benny since Benny was the only one actually there" he says hesitantly

They all agree eventually so I help y/n get up and walk out, I then help her get into the car, I put her in the back then went to the other side and sat beside her, Mr.Phillips starts the car and drives to the police station

It was a pretty silent car ride except for y/n's dad muttering the whole way through

After about 15 minutes we get to the station,

I help y/n out of the car and we walk into the building

but she kept trying to not lean on me and act like she didn't need help

I could see though it wasn't easy

"Hello sir what are you here for?" A small happy woman asks

"Uhm, see I don't really know if I can call it assault since they aren't 18. But I would like to report a crime against my daughter" y/n's dad looked almost nervous

"What's your name" the lady ignored Mr Phillips and looked at y/n

"U-u-u-uh y/n. Y/n Phillips" she responds looking up finally

"Y/n would it be ok if I talked with you one on one?" She asks giving a weak smile

"No, sorry but I think it be better if I was with her" I give y/n's dad the stink eye he didn't see though

*why doesn't he want her to go alone? She should be allowed to go alone*

"Uh dad I'm sorry but I don't want you to go with me" y/n states plainly

"Well I'm sorry but I don't want you going in there alone!" He sounds angry

They start bickering back and forth until the woman notices me

"Wait wait can I ask who you are young man?" They all look at me

"Benny rodrieguz" I stand up tall

"Y/n I know you might not feel comfortable with your dad there which is completely normal. Would you be ok with your boyfriend there" she says trying to avoid a huge fight

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