Pt.41 phillips

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Y/n pov
After Benny left I went up to my room and changed into some baggy jeans and a red tank top

"Y/n?" I hear my brother knock on my door

"Come in" I tell him as he walks into my bedroom

"Hey so I was thinking if your not doing anything today do you want to hangout with me today?" I raise an eyebrow Jordan never wants to hangout

"Yeah I guess but why?" He shrugs

"Because I want to hangout with my sister is that a crime?" I shake my head no

"Okay well what's should we do then?" He pauses thinking

"Well don't you have to get those photos developed? We could do that and then go play catch or go somewhere like the carnival" I nod

"Well I'll check how many photos are left in the cameras because I don't want to waste a bunch of film and we could go do laser tag because I've gone to the carnival a lot lately" he agrees

"I'll help you with the cameras" we walk down stairs but before we can go to the backyard my dad stops me

"Yeah dad?" I spin around facing my dad

"I got you a special present this year" he smiles

*I swear I don't want a freaking car*

"What?" I ask eager

"Go to the living room and see" I run to the living room and see the most adorable puppy ever a Bernese mountain dog

"Go to the living room and see" I run to the living room and see the most adorable puppy ever a Bernese mountain dog

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I hug my dad as tight as I can then pick the puppy up gently

The dog licks my face and barks smiling

"Awe your just adorable aren't you?" The dog barks again as if saying yes

"Thank you dad!" He smiles at me and I hug him again

"Now what do I name you?" The dog tilts her his head

"Chase that's your name!" I put the dog down and me and Phillips walk to the backyard chase follows me keeping by my side

We get into the green house and split the cameras I sit down and chase lays on my lap

Three of the cameras had no more photos left and the rest had about 4-7 left

I gently picked up chase carrying him as Phillips held the cameras

We walked out to the photo development store it was about a ten minute walk

My dad gave me a leash for chase which I held until chase actually wanted to walk

"Hey Alice" I greet one of my friends from school who was working at the till

"Hey y/n getting photos developed?" I nod and Phillips hand her the cameras

She takes them to the back to whatever gets them developed and reappears about five minutes later

"Ok so it will be about an hour or so till you can pick them up" I smile sweetly and we leave the store

"Y/n don't princess that dog or he will become spoiled" Phillips laughs as I try to tell chase he can sleep as long as he wants

"Fine but he is or will be spoiled" I laugh and set chase down I hook the leash into a empty collar as we continue walking looking for something to do

We decide to get some stuff from Vincent's drug store so we walk in

"Hey Vincent can I have my dog in here?" I point done to chase Vincent nods and so I walk browsing the shelves with my brother

I hear the doors bell ring and turn to see kacy benny and Katrina katrina is basically dragging kacy into the store as benny stands awkwardly watching

Benny sees me and smiles walking over

Chase barks as benny stands by me

"Y/n where did you get the dog?" Benny points to chase

"It's my dad birthday present for me" I smile picking chase up

Chase was growling at Benny but as Benny started petting him he slowly stopped growling

"Aw he likes you I think" Benny smiles

"Hey what's up with the toddler tantrum at 2 o'clock" i whisper looking behind Benny at Kacy fighting with Katrina silently

"My mama told her she isn't allowed to date Jake and she doesn't think it's fair" I whisper back

"Well how about we go say hi to your mom I would love to talk to her" I smile

he takes one of my hands and leads me to Katrina as I hold chase in my other arm

"Y/n! Why hello how's everything?" She was hinting about me and Benny

"Oh it's great and I got a dog for my birthday as you can see" she smiles and unlike with Benny chase immediately lets Katrina pet him

"What's his name y/n?" Katrina asks as I set chase down

"Chase" I glance at Kacy and she's rolling her eyes with her arms crossed

"Benny come with me please I need your help with something" Katrina was trying to gesture but Benny hadn't caught on

"What wh-" katrina cuts him off "Benny now!" They leave and now it's just me Kacy and chase

"Nice dog" kacy hisses chase does a low growl at her Ik nudge him with my leg and he stops

"Thanks nice shirt" we had or voices laced with hatred

"Ok cut the crap I know you hate this shirt" Kacy snapped

"What's your problem Kacy!"

898 words

Hey y'all happy whatever day it is if you have any feedback you know to leave it here

So there is going to be some dramaaaaa in these next chapters so ye!k

Also what the fuck this story is #6 in Bennyrodriegeuz AHHHHHHHHH!

But for now I love y'all so much byeeeeeeee :)

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