Pt. 26 ask her!

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Benny pov

"Hey wait up Benny I got to talk to you about something important" smalls says catching up.

He had stopped so that he could watch y/n walk down her street to her house making sure she made it home safely

"Yeah what's up smalls?" I turn my head to look at him

"Ok so I know you and y/n are basically dating and that you guys have kissed also what actually happened at the carnival and with Jake but that's besides the point" he paused then continued to blurt things

"my point is you have got to ask y/n to be your girlfriend!" He blurts out stopping me from walking

We both stand there staring at eachother

"Smalls I think she already knows that we are dating" i scoff

"Benny! You gotta actually ask and in like a cute way you know like a way she'll remember" he sounded like he just watched rom com movies

"Ok well how should I do that genius?" I sarcastically replied

"You could get her a baseball bat like a wooden one and write 'will you be my girlfriend?' On it"

"You could blindfold her and bring her to the sandlot then get each guy to hold a letter spelling 'be mine?' With the cards"

"you could also get her one of this teddy's that have a voice recording on them asking"

"Did you just marathon a whole store of rom com movies smalls?" I ask with a small chuckle

"No maybe not the point though okay you got to do something sweet"

"You know why? because girls even ones like y/n love that stuff" he huffs

"You gotta ask her!" He almost yells while seeing my blank expression

"Okay okay okay I will I just don't know how" we start walking again

Smalls was probably my best friend even though I knew him for the shortest time I always hung out with him

We were having another sleepover at my house tonight so we had plenty time to think of how to ask y/n

"Hey mama we're home!" I shout as we walk through the door and take off our shoes

My mom greeted smalls and me then told us to go eat dinner

We were having tacos and they tasty after we finished dinner I rinsed both mine and smalls plates because we ate after my mom and Kacy so Kacy would not have done our dishes

Then we both go to my room and just talk about baseball and random things

I still constantly had the reminder of how I should ask y/n in the back of my mind

After me and smalls exhausted all topics to talk about we decided to watch my favourite movie (to lazy to write movie title)

About halfway through the movie it's about 9:30 it was getting a little late

"Wow 9:30 already" I comment

"Oh woah I didn't realize it was that late" smalls says looking at my clock

"Well should we go to bed?" I ask

"Want to finish the movie first?" Smalls says looking at me

I agree so we continue watching the movie

But I couldn't even focus on my favourite movie because of how much I was thinking about y/n

While I try to focus on the movie I suddenly think of a amazing idea for how I should ask y/n to be my..

beautiful awesome kind smart athletic funny charming girlfriend

But I didn't want to say it yet I wanted to wait till morning so instead I sat with smalls as we finished the movie

We weren't as tired as I thought we were going to be so instead of going to bed right after the movie We played some card games then decided to go to bed

I didn't have a very big bed so I slept on the floor. And I was letting smalls sleep in the bed because it was his turn for the sleepover.

I could barely fall asleep I was kept up by my thoughts

All I could think about was y/n and her perfect face, how she was wronged so badly

And I could not stop thinking about Phillips, I mean I still don't trust that he believes y/n which worry's me

I hope really do hope that nothing bad happens during court between Phillips and y/n.

After what felt like hours I finally was able to close my eyes and let myself fall asleep thinking about my soon to be girlfriend.

*I'm going to date y/n!*

*y/n Jane Phillips!!*

*I can't wait until I can call that girl my girlfriend MINE*

*and I can't wait until Jake gets put into juvie*

812 words

Hey y'all if you have any feedback or comments leave them here

I really like how this is going and I'm going to try and start actually using the movie instead of my own storyyyyyy

But for now I love y'all so much and byeeeee :)

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