Pt.22 trauma dumping

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Then you see Benny and smalls emerging walking down the stairs

"Kids dinners ready!" Katrina yells from the kitchen

Everyone runs to the kitchen well except me

We all get our food and bring it to the table. Katrina had made pancakes eggs and bacon,

I didn't take a lot of food because I wasn't hungry but I knew I had to eat because of health and what not

So I took the smallest pancake, a little bit of scrambled eggs and two pieces of bacon

After we finished eating there was a knock at the door

I felt my heart race, I was extremely paranoid and I thought it was Jake but Thankfully it was just smalls mom

She came in asking smalls to get his stuff because they were going on a family trip or something I wasn't really paying attention

Smalls quickly ran up stairs grabbed his stuff and went out the door.

We all finished the last bits of breakfast, and so after I put my plate In the sink I took some scissors and cut through the medical bandage because I didn't want to untie it

After I took off the non cold ice pack I got everyone to go to the living room

"Okay so I know Katrina and Benny sort of know what happened"

"But Kacy knows nothing so I'm going to start from scratch" I look at them and they nod

"So basically, after you (Benny) and Jake fought we started walking to leave the carnival"

"And Jake kept making comment about you Benny saying things like you don't matter and I should forget about you, all the way to the parking lot"

"The car was parked at the back of the parking lot so we were walking there, as we were walking and he was saying those comments I got really upset"

"So I told him off basically telling him to shut up, I then started to walk away because I didn't want to drive with him after that so I was just going to walk home. But he grabbed my wrist"

"I told him to let go of me but he instead held tighter and grabbed my other shoulder. I asked again for him to let go and he didn't so I punched him in the face"

"He got super upset and punched me and I fell backwards and he then kicked me in my ribs, I didn't know what he might do after that so I bit his ankle and ran to the carnival bathroom"

"I started balling my eyes out and then I heard two voices, they were two girls. They came into the bathroom and said they had seen what happened and asked if I was okay. I cried telling them about it and then got one of them (Jane) to go call Benny on the speakers"

She did and brought Benny back. He comforted me and picked me up bringing me here, I put a ice pack on my ribs to help with the swelling then slept over here" as I finish I look over at all of them

Katrina has a look saying she understands

Benny has a look of pure anger probably because he now wants to murder Jake

And Kacy looks like she was about to cry

"I also don't know what to do about my dad and my brother" I say looking out their window

"Well we can go with you and help you tell them what happened" Kacy suggests and I see Benny and Katrina nod in agreement

"Okay, could we got now I sort of want to get it over with"

"Yes here everyone put shoes on and get in the car" Katrina says while getting up

We all put some shoes on and I got Kacy to put mine on for me because my side hurt a lot

We all climb into the car and start driving to my house

No one says anything and it's just silence, so I look out the window the whole drive

We get to my house and I see a police car parked in front of my house

"Oh please tell me they didn't!" I get out of the car as fast as I can (not that fast) and walk to my house Kacy helps me so we can walk faster

We walk into my house and I hear voices in the living room so I walk into there

I see my brother in the corner looking anxious biting his nails and I see my dad talking to a police officer

"OH THANK THE LORD YOUR OK!" My dad yells seeing me and running towards me he hugs me super tight and I feel like he might choke me to death

We both pull away from the hug and he turns to the police officer

"Im very sorry for bothering you with this, you understand though I mean I just got so worried" my dad says in a soft voice

"Yes sir I completely understand I would have done the same thing if it was my kid, if you need anything you know where to find me but for now have a good day" the officer told my dad

My brother then walked him to the door watched him drive off and then came back


"yeah Jake came last night and said you went all crazy and ran away from him, we got really worried somethjng happened" my brothers adds

"Excuse me are you Fucking serious?" I snap back at my brother

"Language!!" My dad says in a almost yelling voice

"No, I went all crazy how about this for crazy?!" I lift my shirt halfway showing a huge bruise on my side

"WHO THE HELL DID THAT TO YOU!?!?" My dad demands

"Who do you think dad! Jake did!" I stared looking between my dad and my brother

"Okay! And that's why I didn't come home I stayed at Bennys and kacys house!

"that was after Benny found me in the carnival bathroom crying with these two very nice girls!" I start screaming "All because Jake FUCKING BEAT ME UP!" I am absolutely furious at what I heard about Jake saying I went crazy

"I'm going to kill that kid!" My dad says through his teeth

"How fucking dare he touch my little girl!" He is almost as red as a tomato because he's so mad

1088 words

Hey y'all If you have any feedback on the story please leave it here

Hope this chapter was good it will get past this standstill soon Dw

But for rn i love y'all so much byeeeee :)

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