Pt 2 vincents store

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I start walking to kacys house it was about a fifteen minute walk away.

I walked a little faster today though and I got there in about ten.

But that didn't help because my brothers little fight had made me 10 minutes late

I walk up to her porch and knock on her front door.

Benny answers and I am surprised because he's in the middle of putting on a shirt

I'm not going to lie but he's fit.

"Hey y/n here for your tradition thug with Kacy?"
He says

snapping me from my thoughts

"Yup" I walk in and go straight to kacys room.

I walk-in and she turns around and runs up to me hugging me

"Your late! I thought you were going to bail out on me!"

"Yea like I would bail on our 6 year tradition" I laugh and she laughs as well.

"So what are we going to do this year I mean last year it was a fun time kind of a bust but still fun. How do you think we will top it?"

"Hmmm I'm thinking about staying in watching movies all day?" She laughs after

"I concur to that idea"

"Let's go to Vincent's drug store first and get some snacks"

"Walking??" I ask hoping she says no


"Ughhh!" Why must I walk everywhere it's so much effort!" I complain jokingly

"Well if bennys still here I'm sure he'd carry you" she smirks

"I don't like your brother!" I demand

it was a lie I mean it was Benny rodriegaz he was someone I've had a crush on for a while but I could not let Kacy know that I mean she would never let me live it down.

"Ok sure sure let's just go because I got $7 bucks so I'm rich!" She yelled happily showing off her money

I laugh at her and then we both go to the store to get some snacks for your movie day.

It isn't a very long walk from kacys house to the store like most of the walks to places in our town it's almost always a short walk to anything so you never seem to drive places

We get to Vincent's drug store and as we walk in I'm basically dying as kacy seems unbothered by the walk

"What's wrong with you?" She giggles at my suffering

"We just ran up a hill how are you so fine?!" I yell between taking breath's

"I'm not lazy like you" she mutters and then realizes what she said and her eyes widen

"I will take poodles away" I say smirking

"You.. wouldn't.. dare" she says with dramatic pauses between her words

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