Pt.21 dead like sleeper (smalls)

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*shit shit SHIT! Benny why are you such a light sleeper*

*please just kill me now*

I turn to him and I could feel my face get really red

"Uh I just fell" I say quickly

"Oh did you trip over something sorry my rooms kind of a mess" he says looking around at the floor

"No I just kind of fell off the bed" I say and I could feel my face heat up more

*I bet I am as red as a tomato*

"Oh well uh that kinda sucks" benny says then he bursts out laughing

"Don't fucking laugh at me!"

"I'm sorry" he says between laughs

"Asshole" I throw a pillow at him and he fell off the bed bc since he was laughing so hard he was about to fall and the pillow pushed him over the edge

I then burst out laughing

"You.. you just fell off your bed from a pillow being thrown at you" I say between laughs

I was rolling on the floor along with Benny while we laughed and then my stomach started hurting because of how much i was laughing

Then the door opened quickly

"What the hell is happening in here!"

I look over to see Katrina standing in the doorway

Me and Benny sit up then start laughing again because we woke up his mom with our laughs

I sort of calmed down but was still giggling while I was able to say

"Sorry Katrina but Benny just did something really stupid and funny"

"Hey I'm not the one who fell off the bed!" He bickers back

"Ok but how is smalls still asleep but Katrina woke up?" I pointed to smalls

"I don't know" benny says then he laughs

"I swear you guys are on something" Katrina mutters as she walks out

Me and Benny eventually calm down and I realized the sun was rising

(It was like just about to rise so no one be like it would have already raised by the end of the convo ok!)

"Benny shut up look the suns rising let's watch it!" I say hitting his arm lightly

"Owie" benny starts rubbing his arm where I hit him

"Oh you want me to kiss your boo-boo better?" I say in a baby voice mocking him

"Shut up" you hit me really hard okay!" He defends himself

"Well eat my shorts"
(Don't mind this okay yk it's the 90s or in-this case 60s equivalent to saying "suck my dick")

So it was like never said and kinda rude back then

"Excuse me" his jaw dropped

"You heard me dr.jet eat my shorts" I say smirking at him

"The fuck?" He looks at me with a puzzled look

"Can u not understand English?" I say staring at his puzzled look

"No not that I'm not that stupid"

"You sure about that?" I smirk

"Why did you call me Dr.jet?"

"Ohhhhh yeah it's because last night you went all doctor on me explaining why I need more sleep because I am hurt or whatever" I look back at the sun rising

I glance over at Benny and he's staring at me
The exact same way Jake was at dinner last night

"Benny come on look at the window your not looking at the pretty thing"
I say tapping his shoulder

"I am looking at something else that's just as pretty" he says super quietly I almost didn't hear him

"Benny!" I say in a tone that's like say 'aw what did u just say'

"Huh, waittt did you just hear me?" He starts blushing a little and looks away

"Mhmmm you know if you want to say i am beautiful just say it" I smirk and continue looking at the sun

The sun rise really was beautiful

(It looked like this just with obviously over houses not a meadow)

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(It looked like this just with obviously over houses not a meadow)

"I love sunrises and sunsets they're so beautiful" I say

"They really are" I hear a voice say

"Jesus fucking Christ small!" I say flinching after I see it was smalls talking he was leaning between me and Benny

Benny starts giggling

"What are you giggling at dr.jet?" I give him a daggering glare

"Your reaction" he continues giggling

I hear a door open

Shush I cover Bennys mouth

And he fucking licks my hand!

"Ewwww Benny!"

I wipe my hand on his arm

I then walk downstairs because I hear voices which means Kacy has returned

"KACY!" I say In a deep voice seeing her

"POOKIE!" She says in a deep voice running to me hugging me

I wince really loud "ow ow ow ow"

"Kacy stop no actually" I tell

"What what happened!" She asks

I look between her and Katrina make sure Benny and smalls aren't anywhere near

And I lift my shirt up

"Why the hell is ur ribs all bandaged!"


"Sorry why are your ribs all bandaged" she says quieter

"I'll tell you a little later ok but right now smalls is here" I say

839 words

Hey y'all if you have any feedback leave it here

I like how this is developing I'm going to try and make it more interesting and fun yk

But for now I love y'all so much and byeeeee :)

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