Pt.23 own flesh and blood

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Benny pov

We had gotten to y/n house and she had explained everything that happened to her

Her dad was absolutely infuriated, but after a long time of screaming and yelling to calm down

my mom y/n and Phillips had finally got her dad to a state that he wasn't going to hit something or someone if a fly moved wrong

We all talked about what to do and I looked over to Phillips

He looked absolutely fine not even a spec of being mad about what happened

*does he not believe y/n* I ponder the thiught until he shoved past me

I see him go up the stairs most likely to his room

No one really noticed so I decided to follow him and see what was happening with him

I mean any brother should be upset if they hear something like that happened to they're sister right?

I get up stairs and hear a hushed spice whispering but almost yelling

"Did you fucking beat my sister?!?" I hear as I inch closer to the door

"No man, I'm telling you she flipped out on me I got the nose to prove it!" I hear another say

"Yeah well she's got a fucking bug ass bruise on her ribs proving your lying so which is it?"

"Phillips I swear I never would hurt your sister, I love her I always have and you know that. So why the hell would hurt her like that"

Now I'm right beside the door listening intently to every word they say

"Jake! Okay but why would she lie?" He asks a great question

"Because man I bet you she hates the date and never wanted to be near me again, so this is the best way to do that!" He pauses

"Jordan I'm telling you she's just trying to trick you believe me please!

Phillips starts to argue but he gets cut off

"Believe your best friend!"

"Fine fine I believe don't worry man" i hear him sigh in defeat

I want to punch Phillips so hard right at this moment

*how could he believe his ducking dumbass friend over his own god damn sister*

"Sorry god" I whisper a little to loudly

"Uh Jake I gotta go" I hear the phone beep because he hung up

"Who's there?" He says

I open the door and he's puzzled yet almost mad

"What do you want rodriegeuz?!" He hissed

"Phillips how the hell could you believe you friend over your own god fucking damn flesh and blood!?!" I ask rudely but I don't give a shit

"Benny she is obviously faking come on no one would be that hurt from one kick" he says making a few hand gestures

"You have got to be fucking kidding phillips! No way you just said that!" I start to feel my blood boil

"Phillips yeah she could be faking but guess what she not!!" I stare

"and you know how I know that, it's because I saw her SITTING THERE CRYING BECAUSE HE HURT HER SO FUCKING MUCH SHE COULDN'T TAKE IT!!" I can feel my hands clench into fists


"NO!! Because y/n is the exact opposite she never asks for help, not even when she's hurt. So guess how god damn hurt she would have to be to be crying in my arms asking me to help her to make her feel safe?!? And you think she's faking that pain?"

"You are a fucking sick twisted little asshole Phillips!" I scoff and walk out

"Why did he do it then?" I hear a quiet soft voice ask

"Because he doesn't care about her!" I snap back not even looking backwards at Phillips

"He does though! He's been in love with her for like 7 years! So why would he do that?"

I look back and he seems like he truest doesn't know

I walk over and put my hand on his shoulder

"I don't know Phillips but I do know you got to base up you blockhead!"

"Are you seriously going to choose a friend over your own sister!"

"Your right for once Benny, we need to get him back for what he did" he says with evil in his voice

I smirk "yeah but for now let's just go downstairs" he nods and we head back downstairs

"Dad what's going to happen?" Phillips asks as soon as we enter the living room

Then he said something that I didn't think he'd ever say

772 words

Hey y'all if you have any feedback or changes you want just leave them here

I don't know how to move on from here so it's might be a bit rocky for a little while

But I love y'all so much and byeeeeee :)

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