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the night was perfect with both of them once again underneath the full moon and night sky. the uncomfortable ground not being a problem along with the cold breeze of the wind blowing against their skin as they were basked in each other's warmth.

taehyung wanted nothing more than to be one with the man he loves, to feel him and be connected with him and savour this night with him.

he wanted to make love with him.

the silver haired male pecks jungkook's lips once again, this time letting his lips linger for a moment before pulling away to look at the man who owns his heart, eyes filled with lust and love.

"make love to me, jungkookie...."

the silver haired male eagerly grabs the hem of jungkook's shirt pulling it up over his head and had soon disregarded the rest of his clothing until the other was naked as well hovering on top of him.

jungkook had already turned the sweet kiss into a heated one as he claimed dominance back and slipping in his tongue.

taehyung had his hands roam around the dominant male's toned physique, feeling every inch of him that made him let out a soft moan into the kiss at how good he feels underneath his palms. his body once again feeling hot and so turned on knowing that this man belonged to him.

the dark haired male grins noticing how restless the younger was becoming, bucking his hips and trying to get any sort of friction to ease his leaking cock and the throbbing in between his legs. some of the sticky fluid smothering over his stomach as the younger continued to squirm underneath him, subtly grinding on his lower area.

"let's take it slow, my love." jungkook murmurs with a soft chuckle hearing the breathless male let out a small whine as he gently pinned his waist down.

the dark haired male was conflicted if they should even carry on just dumbly realising they don't have any lube or condom around. they were literally out here naked and unprepared.

but he chuckles to himself thinking if it was even a problem remembering how he didn't really care about such things before. although now, he wanted to make sure that it was alright for the younger.

jungkook was about to ask the other when he noticed his face turning into a small pout.

"you're not paying attention to me... " taehyung mumbled as he noticed the other starring at him for a second that caught the dark haired male off guard just realising that he must have been drowned in his thoughts for too long.

he let out a chuckle seeing the younger cutely glaring, annoyed at him. taehyung being unreasonably jealous at the moment of whatever was in jungkook's mind.

"i swear baby even if i'm with you, i'm still thinking about you." jungkook exclaimed with a laugh pressing a kiss on the younger's pouty lips. "i was just thinking that we don't have any condom and all that stuff." he says as he pulled away.

taehyung briefly gazed at him, cheeks flushed pink. "then let's not use one... i mean... it's not like i'll be able to...." he mumbled trailing off at the end, biting his lip.

a frown however made it's way to jungkook's lips, heart aching and guilty having to remind the silver haired male about his unwanted condition.

"taehyung, love, look at me." jungkook says, the younger's teary eyes peering up at him.
"i love you and you're perfect to me however you maybe." he breathes out. "didn't the doctor say that there's still a chance?" he asks with a warm smile, the younger making a small nod.

"then let's not loose hope. we can always try as long as it doesn't compromise your health, my love." jungkook says. "i told you before haven't i? i'll make love to you over and over again." he adds kissing the younger's lips who now had his arms wrapped around him, holding him close.

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