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taehyung's most awaited exhibition soon came.

the silver haired male had first thought that the opening day would just be a simple event but soon found out that the first day was grand with a press conference, media coverage and A-list figures attending.

"ah, why is my son so handsome?" seokjin exclaims.

the namjin couple were currently standing behind the camera as they tagged along with each of taehyung's red carpet interview, encouraging and giving him gestures of support which the younger really appreciated.

taehyung answered every question with ease and confidence but deep down he was very nervous, palms sweaty but he managed to push through seeing his parents smiling and waving at him behind the cameras.

the kims were soon able to enter the gallery, the hyungs all present to support him as well.

"congratulations, taetae. really proud of you." jinwoo says as he gives the other a warm hug, both of them suddenly becoming emotional. the older getting teary first as he knew how much this meant for the younger.

"jinwoo, don't make him cry. he still has a press conference to attend to." jimin playfully exclaims as the group coos and laugh at the two who chuckles and wipes away their threatening tears.

hoseok was quick to have his arm around jinwoo and giving him a kiss on his forehead, the younger smiling up at him at the sweet gesture.

taehyung soon met up with mr yang, his sponsor and other featured artists. they were all introduced to some of the other big sponsors present at the event, congratulating and admiring their works.

"thank you so much for agreeing to be a part of this charity exhibition, taehyung." mister yang exclaims.

"i'm really honoured and i should be the one thanking you, mr yang. i never thought i'll have a solo room for my paintings." the younger replied with a bow showing his sincerity.

"nonsense" the older exclaims waving his head. "you deserve it, you're very talented that's why i wanted you to be part of this event and also why he chose you to have a solo room."

the silver haired male tilts his head at the other's words. "pardon? i thought..." he trails off as he looks at the man in confusion.

mister yang let out a small laugh seeing the younger's expression. "i must've forgotten to tell you, yes it was me who had you included in the artist list but i'm not capable of deciding the artists who gets a solo room. only members of the higher ups can get to choose for the final line up."

taehyung's mouth formed into an 'o', now understanding what the older had meant. he was more flattered with the new information. he was listed along with other great and respectable artists that being chosen as one whi gets to have a solo room was truly an honor.

"then please send my thanks to the person who chose me, please let him know i'm very grateful."

"actually, he told me he'll be coming " mister yang informs. "he's probably running a bit late, he's quite a busy man but i'll be sure to introduce him to you when he arrives so you can personally thank him."

"of course, please. that'll be great."

taehyung ended up talking a bit more with mr yang and with the other artists. however, his eyes had been scanning the room every now and then searching for a certain figure.

the event was star studded, pictures taken here and there that the silver haired male would be lying if he said his mouth wasn't hurting from smiling so much.

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