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"are you sure you don't want to stay, taetae? we'd be happy to serve you." minsoo asks as she hugs the young brunette. "and besides, the young master had said you can stay for as long as you'd like." she adds as she pulled away, holding the younger's hands who shyly smiles.

it's been three days since jungkook had left and taehyung was really trying his best not to break everytime but it was quite hard with the fact he was staying in a house where every corner reminds him of the dark haired male.

he also wasn't very keen on the idea of staying for too long. he knew that the older jeon wasn't already fond of him to begin with so he doesn't want to stay around and wait to find out his reaction if he and the rest of the jeons finds out he was free loading in one of their residence.

besides, jungkook had told him to start living so that's what he plans to do.

for the house maids of the jeon residence, they really wanted the younger to stay as they all enjoyed his company and his presence livened up the dull atmosphere of the house.

they were all deeply saddened when he informed them this morning that he'll be leaving but respected the younger's decision anyway.

"thank you so much but..." the brunette mumbled eyeing the jeon mansion not really knowing how to word out what he wanted to say, the older smiling warmly as she nods her head in understanding.

"take care of yourself. our doors is open for you anytime." minsoo says before the brunette gave her one last hug and gets on the car with seokjin who was already seated on the driver seat.

"there's this apartment i found that you might want to check out. we can go there after picking up your stuff." seokjin informs, eyes focused on the driveway. taehyung starring outside the window as they exit the tall gates of the jeon residence as this will probably be the last time he'll be seeing this place.

as much as minsoo's last words were very tempting and he for sure wanted to see them again, he just doesn't see the reason to be back at the jeon residence again.

"thank you again for coming with me, doctor- jin-hyung." the brunette says, correcting himself at the end and getting used to of addressing the doctor as hyung.

"don't mention it, taetae. let me treat you like my own child." the older exclaims with a laugh
making the other smile at him, cheeks light pink feeling shy at how all the hyungs had been very kind to him.

seokjin took a day off and offered to help taehyung to pull out his belongings out of the shop and the namjin couple offered, well more like forced him to stay at their place for the time being as they can't have him live alone on his own.

jimin had actually offered his place first but they ended up deciding to have the brunette stay with the namjin couple as namjoon was handling the younger's papers since even though he was already released from the shop, he was still a minor and the government agency would have to look into who would have custody over him for the time being.

"but first things first, after getting your stuff we have to get you a phone." seokjin exclaims. "i think it's about time we'll be able to contact you and not drive all the way to were you are." he jokingly adds, side glancing at the brunette who giggles and nods.

the drive didn't take long as the brunette was now standing infront of the familiar doors of the shop.

the brunette took a deep breath before he pushed the doors open, the lobby quiet. he was confused not seeing mr bang by the reception. the old man was always there.

"ah, i'll have to quickly answer this" seokjin excused himself as his phone started to ring seeing his secretary's name in the caller ID, probably calling with a matter about one of his patients.

Doll Shop | taekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora