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taehyung had his eyes wide seeing seojoon's face on the monitor screen. the said man had texted him earlier saying that he'll drop by but he forgot to text him back since he was too focused on the term paper that was due.

"oh gosh, i forgot to text him." he exclaims, seokjin looking at him with a raised brow.

"you forgot about your boyfriend?"

"dad~ he isn't my boyfriend and i forgot to text him back. he messaged me this morning." the silver haired male whines with a small pout in his mouth that his father couldn't help but coo. the maid giggling at the sight.

"aigoo~ my baby~" seokjin coos pinching the younger's cheeks.

"can you please tell him...i'm sleeping...." taehyung mumbled, looking down. feeling bad about having to send seojoon away but he just doesn't feel like mingling with anyone else right now as he wanted to spend time with his fathers.

"don't worry, bub. i'll tell him you're tired from school." seokjin says with an understanding smile, patting the younger's head.

"should i get him on the speaker sir?" the maid asks.

"no need, i'll personally talk to him." seokjin replied wiping his hands off his pink apron.

taehyung looks at seojoon's smiling face on the screen and started to feel very guilty as he bit his lip. his father now heading towards the front door to walk all the way to the gates and talk to his son's suitor.

"dad, wait....just...just let him in." he says with a sigh catching up to his father who was already standing by the door way.

"are you sure? he'll understand that you want to rest since you've been very busy the past few weeks."

"it's okay, he's already here. i'll feel sad if i was in his shoes." the older obviously just wanted to see him.

"okay. then let's have him join for lunch." seokjin replies with a smile before telling the maid to inform the guards to let seojoon in, taehyung nodding as he waits by the foyer.

park seojoon was his fellow artist in the agency. and his senior at school. he was one of the famous actor/model in the industry at the moment and the older had been courting him for a while now.

he easily became friends with him as he was really very kind, friendly and down to earth despite his fame. he was rich, handsome, smart, a true gentleman and a very boyfriend material - what could anyone else ask for.

he had first met him when he joined his dad for a charity work and seojoon happened to be volunteering as well. turns out seokjin was already familiar with him as he was friends with his parents who were fellow doctors at the hospital.

the older had confessed to him last year, during one of their agencies annual parties. however, even with the fact that seojoon had all the qualifications most people would've want, he just doesn't feel the same way.

he immediately rejected the older not wanting him to expect anything as their friendship had really grown the past few years but that was all he could give and nothing more.

however, despite him rejecting the older the first time he still pursued him and asked him out for the second time. he even tried to distance himself but it seemed impossible considering they were in the same university, agency, in the same circle of friends and basically the older was one of his closest friend.

the silver haired male model felt bad and despite contradicting himself that he doesn't want to lead the other on he just let him be.

they already had a serious conversation about their feelings, the younger making it very clear that friendship is all that he could offer and seojoon saying that he knows and he understands but still that obviously that hadn't stopped him.

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