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the dark haired male let out a frustrated sigh, a hand brushing through his hair. "can you calm down and lower your voice. he might hear you." jungkook calmly states. he even had instructed all the helpers in the household to not mention anything about him leaving to the brunette but he had forgotten that there was a park jimin who could just shout it for the whole residence to know.

"oh, so when are you planning to tell him, huh? by the looks of it taehyung doesn't have a freaking clue." jimin spats, hands crossing over his chest.

"i have plans to tell him jimin.... just not now..." jungkook mumbled making the other roll his eyes.

"what? do you plan to tell him when you're on the other side of the world and don't know when you'll be seeing him again? sounds like a great plan" the other says, tone mocking and sarcastic as he glares at the dark haired male who remained silent. "and we all know your father won't stay put if you don't get your ass on a plane to switzerland by tomorrow."

the dark haired male intended to tell the younger that he was bound to leave soon but he just couldn't find the time not after how the brunette was having such a good time and that he'll be informing him that he's officially free from the shop. all he wanted was to see the brunette smile and the last thing he would want is to be the cause of tears in his eyes.

"don't worry about my father. we had a deal remember? he releases taehyung's papers and i fly to wherever he wants me to go." jungkook says calmly but the blonde male doesn't miss the pissed tone in his voice.

jimin let out a sigh as he nod. "okay but just tell him yourself, jungkook." jimin says, a bit calmer now knowing it was hard for the other as well. the hyungs and him had been telling the dark haired male to talk to the brunette saying it would be better if he knew earlier but it seems that jungkook was miserably failing at that.

"i'll... i'll talk to him tonight..." jungkook murmurs.

jimin let out another sigh, nodding his head. he was just looking out for the both of them especially the brunette. he knows how devastated the younger would be. jungkook was leaving the country tomorrow and he even has less than twenty four hours to let taehyung know.

jungkook had already talked to him about this weeks ago along with their hyungs and had even sincerely asked him to look out for taehyung when he leaves.

"we'll be there for him." jimin says reassuringly now trying to comfort the other.

it also saddened him of how unfair the circumstances were. he knew how jungkook had been trying to put everything on hold so that he wouldn't have to leave yet and even to the point of going against his father which resulted for the older jeon to use his influence to get for jungkook to follow him.

the two had returned back out at the garden, seokjin anxiously eyeing them as they quietly settled back to their seats.

yoongi was talking to hoseok and screaming 'jhoooooope' with the celebrity telling him that his fans were even screaming that way during concerts.

"is everything alright?" the brunette asks, voice low making sure it was only the dark haired male who heard him as soon as he was seated back beside him.

jungkook hums, smiling at the brunette who widely returned the gesture.

"nothing to worry about." he replies, pecking the younger's lips who nods.

they all drowned themselves back into conversation but the brunette could sense that something was bothering the older but brushed it off not wanting to be pushy about it.

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