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the ride back to the jeon residence was a quiet one. the doll being too scared to ask if what was bothering the dark haired male.

he thought if he had done something else to make the other upset but nothing comes to mind as he side glanced the the dark haired male's serious face, hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel.

he bit his lip as he starts fidgeting with his fingers, his submissive nature and conditioned mentality of being a doll to cater to a guest resurfacing.

as soon as they entered the front doors, the doll didn't waste a second to talk to the dark haired male and apologise for whatever reason.

"i-i'm sorry, jungkookie..." he apologised as he gently tugged on the other's arm who looked at him confused. "i'm sorry about what happened back at the restaurant....i swear i didn't do anything to give him any idea or -"

jungkook then realized what the brunette doll was panicking about as he shook his head and cupping now the younger's cheek, wide teary eyes looking up at him.

"no, no you didn't do anything wrong...i didn't mean to make you feel that way." jungkook huffs out, gently pressing his forehead against the now confused brunette. "it's me who should apologise...i'm sorry i wasn't there...i should've protected you. how could i let that man even get near you..." the dark haired male heavily breaths, head now slumping against the startled doll's shoulder.

the brunette doll had his eyes wide finally understanding it all now feeling bad as jungkook was blaming himself, feeling guilty of what had happened wherein fact there was no one to blame. the waiter just happened to be a complete ass and ruin the lovely day they were having.

he wraps his arms around the tensed up jungkook, fingers soothingly threading on his smooth dark locks.

"it's not your fault, jungkookie..." the brunette murmurs calmly. "and i'm okay, nothing bad happened."

and that was just it. jungkook couldn't imagine what else could've happened. he hadn't even expected one bit that the brunette could experience such thing in a freaking restaurant.

some may say it was just a small incident, something he shouldn't fuss about but how can he not make it a big deal when the person he loves and cares for more than himself was involved. call him paranoid but after knowing everything that had happened to the brunette doll, he wants to protect him from anything he finds threatening.

"i'm sorry..." jungkook murmurs again, the doll now hugging him protectively in his hold. he didn't know that the dark haired male would blame himself this much that it makes his heart ache.

"it's all in the past now, there's just a few things beyond our control, jungkookie..." he calmly states, hands soothingly caressing the other's soft hair. "besides, i really enjoyed our date today. thank you." the brunette says trying to brighten up the mood, a smile on his lips as he gently cups jungkook's face to look at him as he pressed a kiss on his lips which seemed to work as a small smile was now etched on the other's face as he pulled away. it made his heart melt seeing the dark haired male's bambi like eyes gazing back at him.

"take a bath with me?" the brunette murmurs, lips hovering over the dark haired male. his innocent eyes peering up at the other's dark ones slowly being engulfed with lust at the invite - far from the heartwarming wide doe eyes a second ago.

jungkook didn't reply as he lifts up the brunette who immediately wraps his legs around his waist, arms securely holding onto him.

he carried them upstairs to the bathroom, the brunette trailing kisses and nibbling on the exposed skin on his neck the whole time that he was almost tempted to take him by the stairs.

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