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four years later


a silver haired male ran down the stairs of seoul university, girls and boys murmuring as they caught sight of the eye catching young man. one of them mustering the courage to approach the famous young model.

"um, hi! we're really a big fan. can we please take a photo and ask for an autograph?" a girl shyly asks with her friends silently squealing beside her.

"of course. should we take a selfie together then?" the silver haired male replies, voice deep with a warm smile making the men and ladies hearts flutter, eyes turning into hearts as well.

they all gathered around him wanting to get a chance to stand as close as possible to the silver haired model who offered to take the phone as he was very much taller compared to most of them and could angle the phone better with his arm.

"thank you so much" the ladies exclaimed after the male signed the back of their phone cases and admiring the photos they had taken. some of the boys asking for an autograph as well.

he ended up having a small conversation to the now small crowd that had surrounded him when his phone suddenly started ringing, his dad's name on the caller id.

"i'll have to answer this. it was nice meeting you guys." he exclaims with a small bow towards the crowd. the fans returning the gesture smiling widely, ladies almost fainting being able to converse and see the top model upclose like they were in an intimate mini fan meeting.

they all thanked him again before the silver haired male continued on his way, answering his phone.

"hello, dad?"

"how dare they mark your work as late?!" a furious kim seokjin screamed through the phone. "did you tell them that the dorm wifi sucks?" he asks in frustration.

the silver haired male let out a giggle at his father's reaction, now used to how his dad would tend to over fuss about the simplest things that involves him. well, he just 'loves him very much and wants the best for him' as his father would explain.

he had texted him awhile ago about the last paper for this term that he was working on. he was supposed to submit it last night but the dormitory wifi decided to sabotage him which ended up with him having to personally submit the papers this morning and his strict professor was not having any excuse.

"i did but he said it's my problem." he replies casually not wanting his father to be more upset. "but it's fine, it's not like that paper would affect my grades anyway." he informs to get his father to relax. he could just imagine his face red and mouth in a frown.

"but you worked all night for that paper, my taetae." seokjin says with a sigh making the said male smile.

"well, it is what it is, i'm still the top of class regardless of the grade they give me with that paper so...." he mumbled with a sly grin knowing his father very much loved hearing his son was the top of the class.

"hmph! as they should, my taetae is the best" seokjin exclaims proudly. "anyways, what time will you be home? do you want me to pick you up or ask your joonie-appa? he's on his way home too."

"no worries, dad. i'm on my way back to the dorm and just grab a few things then i'm off." he says arriving at his dorm building. he didn't want to bother his parents especially knowing that his dad just had a week of nightshifts and his appa is currently handling a few top clients. besides, he enjoys taking a drive alone finding it quite relaxing.

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