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jungkook ended up finishing the breakfast the brunette had started.

the doll was settled in the living room, eyes closed and deep in slumber. he had fallen asleep when the dominant male was wiping him clean feeling all too exhausted.

the dark haired male beams at the set up he had made in their little breakfast nook. he had opted to make waffles, eggs along with the sausages the other had initially cooked.

he then proceeded to the living room to wake the tired brunette up which he now actually felt bad for being horny first thing in the morning.

he sat on the floor facing the brunette, a small smile on his lips as he admires the other's pouting sleeping face.

"baby..." jungkook murmurs, hovering his lips over the other, smiling as he gently brushed the tip of their nose.

"breakfast is ready." he says as the doll blinks his eyes open.

a blush crept into the brunette's cheeks eyes adjusting seeing the dark haired male's face inches away.

"good morning..." he shyly mumbles as he sat up.

"good morning" jungkook replies, standing up and leaning pressing a kiss on the doll's forehead.

"i made waffles." he announced, the doll standing up face lighting up but winced feeling the soreness in between his legs and aching body.

the dark haired male was quick to hold on to the doll's waist, a frown forming in his lips seeing the younger's pained expression.

he was about to suggest to have the younger lay in bed but was cut off when the doll pressed a kiss on his lips and smiling up at him noticing the other's worried look.

"i-i wanted to make you breakfast..." the doll mumbles. "... but instead you did the cooking..." he adds, a small pout now on his lips.

jungkook chuckles as he pecks the doll's lips.
"trust me, baby. you made the best breakfast." he murmurs, his hands sliding inside the doll's shorts and squeezing his peaches.

the doll's cheeks heats up, hitting the dominant male's chest lightly.

the dark haired male laughs before bending down and picking up the brunette bridal style, the doll letting out a small shriek as he clutched his arms around the other but didn't protest at the sudden action liking being held like this.

jungkook walks towards the breakfast nook gently placing the blushing doll on the chair.

"t-thank you." the doll says with the dark haired male kissing the top of his head before settling in his own seat.

"eat up. you're gonna need it." jungkook says with a wink, the blushing doll not really knowing how to interpret what he meant.

"is there anything you want to do today?" V asked as he munched on his waffle. "i mean, you're always at work so we can do something you want."

"well, i just really want to spend time with you." jungkook replies, smiling up at the doll who adverts his gaze a light hue of pink adorning his cheeks.

"o-oh..." the doll shyly mumbles taking another bite from his waffle, a giddy smile appearing in his lips.

the dark haired male couldn't help but smile widely as he stares at the blushing brunette. it made him all warm inside. oh how he would love to see his smiling face everyday.

"how about we take a dip in the pool?" he suggests, a swim seems a good idea with the nice weather.


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