Chapter 62

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Upon reaching the village, the villagers were extremely excited to see Saywa as they were quick to welcome the woman into the village and speak to her. Saywa spoke back to them, and Saphira felt awkward for not knowing the language, but she was glad that Saywa was able to talk with them. Saywa did glance at Saphira when she noticed Saphira was not talking and realized that she didn't understand the language, which was fine. Saphira patiently waited until they were led into a hut and Saywa was given a very comfortable place to sit on, and Saphira sat opposite her as they both got to relax.

"Ooh...that feels so much better..." Saywa rubbed her stomach as she enjoyed the comfort of the chair. "This second pregnancy feels a bit more intense than the first one. But I tell myself that it is probably because that it has been so long since my first pregnancy. And the sparklings don't grow as fast as our babies do."

Saphira chuckled a little as she listened to the woman. "How old is Salvador anyway? He's our size now."

"Um...this might shock you, but he is only like a hundred and twenty years old..." Saphira widened her eyes in shock as she was not expecting that. Saywa smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah...I remember the first year of Salvador's life, I realized he wasn't growing very big quickly. When he was a new born, he was..." Saywa extended her arm and ran her right finger from her left fingertips to just below her shoulder. "He was about that size..."

"At birth?" Saphira asked in shock and Saywa nodded. She grimaced at the very thought. " wonder the spark bonding is needed. Now you got me all nervous about the idea of pushing something that big out of my body."

"Believe me, I think both Primal and I were scared when we both realized his size near the birth. Thankfully, it was actually a smooth birth. But...he took a long time to grow. I liked it though." Saywa looked at the door was a woman walked in with a pot of herbal tea and poured it into cups for the two of them. Saywa thanked the woman and said something else to her, and the woman nodded before leaving. "It meant I could spend a lot of time with Salvador before he got too heavy for me to carry around. Though he still tries to get me to pick him up."

"That I can understand." Saphira realized that Saywa must have breastfed Salvador for a long time too. "I guess you must have waited a long time to think about trying for another sparkling."

Saywa picked up one of the cups with a shrug. " took a long time for me to even get pregnant by Primal. I am not sure why, but it did. We actually had accepted we weren't going to have sparklings, until I started having morning sickness...which..." Saywa chuckled for a moment. "The first time I got sick, I was laying on Primal's chest, and it just happened so fast, and the both of us needed a bath..."

Saphira giggled as she could imagine how shocked they both were. "Ew...but I guess you didn't know until it was confirmed."

"Correct." Saywa looked at the door of the hut with a smile. "This tribe has been very good. The physician at the time was able to tell me I was pregnant with Salvador. And my second. But we have a few more months before my child makes its appearance into the world." Saphira wondered how long the pregnancy lasts with a sparkling, as she didn't know how long autobots and maximals carry their sparklings for. "Just be aware that my experience might be different to yours, Saphira. Autobots and maximals might be similar, but I imagine they would be quite different in many ways."

"I do understand." Saphira sipped some of the tea and she loved the flavors that tingled on her tongue. "I guess it is intriguing to me to meet someone who is in a similar situation as me. I mean, I was shocked when you told me about your tribe and that the British tried to kidnap you."

Saywa nodded. "Yeah...and it was all because they all thought I was a literal, walking, gold nugget. But I don't understand it. I am still a person." Saphira nodded in agreement. "Probably the first and only time Primal actually killed a whole ship of humans, was deserved."

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