Chapter 42

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As they got closer to the museum, Mirage finally revealed what he would transform into. A garbage truck. Saphira was not expecting that, however, it made the most sense. After all, the garbage runs are done at night, and Saphira could pass for a truck driver. But upon realizing that, she adjusted her outfit and hair to try and disguise herself as best as she could, because she didn't want to bring suspicion to them. Mirage was amused that Saphira would even bother doing that, but she stated that not looking like she worked for the garbage company would likely result in trouble. Which he understood, but he was still amused.

Upon arriving at the museum gates, Saphira was a tad nervous, because things were really getting real at this point. She took deep breaths to keep herself as relaxed as possible, knowing that any bad sign might give away suspicion. She looked at the guard who was in the small building keeping watch over the entry to the museum, and he was watching the truck pull up to the gate. Saphira didn't make eye contact with him just yet until Mirage stopped in front of the gate.

She glanced at the man and gave a polite wave before the guard opened the gate. She sighed in relief after Mirage rolled forward and began to drive up the path towards the museum. She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel nervously, not knowing how things were going to go. "At least we go through the easy part." Saphira sighed a little as she glanced around before looking ahead. She looked at the ring for a moment. "I can take this thing off, can't I?"

"Yeah, it will come off easily. Otherwise, if you're in trouble, even I won't be able to hear you." Saphira nodded and removed the disc from the ring, though she did not know where to put it. Though Mirage opened his glove box and she placed it in there. "Easy part over, hopefully there will be an easy way for you to get in. The building being locked up and all, hopefully they don't have an alarm that will go off."

"It probably will, which is why it will be the hard part. And police will get here very quickly as well." Saphira was not looking forward to it as well. She glanced at the sky, wishing that she could see. "Man...I wish I could see their light you guys are talking about. It is bothering me to no end that I can't see it."

"I know, and I fully understand your curiosity. But hey, you can't see it, and no other human can see it. That's the most important thing, in my opinion." She nodded in agreement, though Saphira began to have a bad feeling in her gut. She didn't know why, but she was starting to feel rather uneasy about this, and she swallowed nervously. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She looked at the dash in surprise. Mirage had turned his holoform off when he transformed in the garbage truck, so she could really only look at the dash at the moment. "You seem nervous and tense. There is no shame in backing out. We can figure out another way to get the key."

She shook her head quickly. "I am okay, Mirage. It's a little late to go back now, we are already halfway be honest." She smiled and looked at the museum as the approached it slowly. "Um...but...I don't want to say it...uh, but I have a bad feeling."

"A bad feeling? Don't be starting that now! I don't like that." She smiled apologetically, even though she couldn't shake the feeling. "Bad feelings should only happen if there is actual danger, Saphira. You having a bad feeling could just be nervousness."

"Yeah...I guess you are right." Saphira didn't know why she had a bad feeling, because it seemed silly to her as well. But that didn't really matter. "I have no reason to feel it, so you are probably right, Mirage." She chuckled a little as she tried to relax. "Maybe it's because I am expecting to get caught in the museum..."

"Ah...that makes sense...but you shouldn't expect it. That's not a good thing, Saphira. You should expect to slip in and out without getting into trouble." Mirage's enthusiasm didn't really help much, as she couldn't shake the feeling. "Look, if you get into trouble, all you gotta do is holler for help."

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