Chapter 41

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As Optimus drove back to the factory to meet up with the autobots, Saphira sat in the backseat quietly. She still did not know what the autobots have seen, and it seemed that Optimus was now focused on this possibility to return home. She understood the reasons why, but she felt very upset. She didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to stay here with her, but she was unlikely to convince him. Regardless, Saphira knew that she was happy for them, it just hurt a lot. She tried to not show it, because she didn't want to be made to feel selfish. Even though she kind of already felt selfish for not wanting them to leave.

"Are you okay?" She flinched in surprise as she had not expected Optimus to speak to her. "You aren't going to get sick again? I am terribly sorry for not thinking before. That was irresponsible of me." She shook her head as she doubted she would be sick, since she wasn't in the rain for very long. "Something seems to be on your mind. I am curious to know what it might be."

She shrugged a little, glancing towards the window. "I still don't know what you are seeing, Optimus. I could see nothing. So I am very confused. Especially since it has happened so suddenly, and the timing kind of seems a little strange."

"I guess I understand the coincidence that this has happened. But I assure you, we can see it. It must at a molecular level that humans cannot see." She frowned, as she still did not know. "There is a beam rising in the sky at this time. It seems to be a signal coming from a teleportation device. I do not know yet, but I recognize it due to the archives. Arcee will be able to confirm it."

Saphira looked at the window again, still wishing that she could see. "Well, that's really convenient." She let out a light huff as she looked away from the window, bringing up her knees while folding her arms. "At least no humans will be alerted to it, I suppose. But...the sudden appearance makes no sense."

"Unless that sculpture you saw has been uncovered." She didn't react straight away, but she turned her head to look at the dash curiously. "The beam appears to be coming from the island the museum is on. I assume something has happened, and someone has broken the sculpture."

Saphira had not thought of that, but that also was bad. "Oh...that actually makes sense. But if someone has uncovered it, that might also be bad. Getting it from the museum may not be easy. Especially since I already told you it would be impossible to get it."

"I agree that it is bad. And, unfortunately, we will have to explore options on obtaining the device, Saphira. It doesn't belong to the museum." Saphira had feared that would be thought of, but she knew she would be the one to do it. She was the only one who could get in and out without damaging the building. "Once we have all the information, we will form a plan to obtain it."

"And then what?"

"What do you mean?"

Saphira frowned and shrugged, looking away from the dash. "Well, you will have a device that can take you back home to Cybertron. Once you get it, what happens after? Do you leave once you get it?"

"Depending on the device, we would certainly look at leaving as soon as possible. We will still need to travel to Peru to retrieve Wheeljack, but after that, we will likely return home." At least he was honest. Saphira swallowed as she felt emotions rising, and she didn't want to show how much this was hurting her. "You will be allowed to keep that ring, Saphira." She glanced down at her hand and she was glad, but it would be her only connection to the autobots. "I want to remain in contact, so..."

"I get it. You need to return home to end a war. You don't have to tell me." Saphira noticed that Optimus seemed to be thinking too much about Cybertron again, and he hasn't really noticed how she was feeling. And that was hurting her too. "At is almost spring..."

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