Chapter 15

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Saphira took another bite of her burrito as Bumblebee drove through the city back to the wharf to gather and talk with Optimus. Saphira did not know if she should be worried about the rule changes, as she simply assumed they will be tightened. She knew that Optimus didn't like having her round, considering he literally came out and called her a liability. But Saphira could not be mad about that. She couldn't agree more that she was indeed a liability. She has been her whole life, and that isn't going to change now.

Saphira looked out the window as she soon spotted Arcee following them, and she smiled a little, but she didn't make much of a ruckus about it. She didn't need to make a big deal whenever she saw one of the autobots. That would feel a little awkward if she did. She finished off her burrito and grabbed her water bottle to drink from to wash the burrito down. It did feel good to eat something. She might try for some more later, but it was unlikely.

As they got closer to the wharf, Mirage met up with them and he drove behind Arcee. Saphira smiled as she happy they were going there together. She did not know if Optimus would be the last to appear in the line. But as they got closer and turned into the wharf, it became clear that would not be the case. Saphira guessed he was coming from a different direction, so that would make sense. And he could also be making sure that Transit was not following them.

Once they enter the warehouse, Bumblebee let Saphira step out and she stretched her arms as she let out a little yawn. She looked around and walked over to a box to sit on while Arcee, Bumblebee and Mirage transform while they wait for their leader. It still felt a little awkward having their large optics looking at her, Saphira never made any kind of effort to complain about it. She swung her legs casually as she sat on the box and looked at the autobots.

"I wonder what kind of stupid rules the big man will come up with now," Mirage complained grumpily as he began to pace. "I bet he wants us to put a leash on the girl, so she can't go anywhere without us. I mean, we kind of do that with the tracker."

"Don't be ridiculous, Mirage!" Arcee snapped at the bot, folding her arms as she frowned at him. "You know as well as I that Optimus will try to make sure that Saphira is protected from Transit. He might not think highly of humans, but he can't exactly allow her to be harmed under our watch. It would not be right."

Bumblebee nodded in agreement. "We must protect her from danger, or we will be guilty."

Mirage rolled his optics as he was aware of that. "As far as I was concerned, we were already doing just that. It was bound to happen, let me say. Transit would have eventually seen Saphira with us, and it wouldn't matter what we had done. We are out among the humans, regardless of disguising ourselves as the vehicles they drive."

"That is true, we were protecting her." Arcee looked at Saphira and saw that the girl was half listening to the conversation. She didn't seem bothered by this. "But now Transit could try to get her in his clutches. And there could be a time where we are not watching her properly, and he could use that as his advantage. He could use his holoform if he can't use his full form."

Mirage paused on his pacing as he pondered on what Arcee had said. "Hmm...I guess you are right about that..." He shrugged and continued to pace. "But, honestly, Arcee...don't you think that Optimus is a little too uptight about all this? Saphira has not shown one single sign that she is not trustworthy, and Optimus still..."

"Stop it, Mirage!" Arcee interrupts the young bot in irritation. "It is true Saphira is proving to be trustworthy, but Optimus does not want us to end up in the same situation as Bumblebee. Surely you understand that." The bot nodded and rolled his optics as he kept pacing. "Look, you need to stop questioning Optimus's orders, Mirage. He's trying to protect all of us. Do you understand?"

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