Chapter 9

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It was the day after and Saphira was still in the hospital. She had been kept overnight by the hospital as they thought she might still be in danger. Saphira was happy about that as it meant she wouldn't have to face the autobots for a while. She did find out she had two cracked ribs, which was why it was incredibly sore to touch. The doctors reassured her that the ribs will heal and she would just not be able to lay on that side for a while. She was treated for her lacerations as well, even though they weren't deep. Her sprained ankle was actually worse than she first thought. It had actually been sprained hard enough that her ankle had almost been broken. Thankfully that wasn't the case. But she did have to wear a wrap around her ankle and use crutches for a while to let the ankle heal.

She had a medical certificate written up by the hospital and she had it sent to Arthur's email. But she knew she would need to call him about not coming to work for a couple days so she could have some time to heal. Plus, she didn't want to see Claudia for a few days. She really, really did not want to deal with that woman at the moment. She would be much happier to see that woman fired from her job. But she did not know if that would happen straight away.

She was in a private ward as Saphira's insurance covered all the expenses thankfully, especially since the hospital visit was the result of an assault. She was looking out the window, seeing the morning sun shining through the window. She was going to be discharged this morning which she was not entirely thrilled by it. But she could not stay in the hospital forever. She had to face the world again, and she would need to be okay with it. It would not be easy though.

Because of that, Saphira decided it was best to leave the hospital early and get herself discharged. So she made sure she was dressed before she left the ward and made her way to the lobby of the hospital. She struggled a little as she was not used to crutches just yet, but she would get used to them. She wouldn't need them for too long though, which she was happy about. She did hope that the autobots would be patient with her though. She knew that getting into a freightliner was going to be difficult with crutches, so...that was going to be a challenge if she happens to leave the apartment.

But I don't want them to kill me...even though I don't think Optimus would...I don't even know if that is what he would have done.

When Saphira made her way out of the hospital once she was discharged, she did not know if the autobots were parked in the lot or not, but as she was looking around, she spotted Mirage driving into the driveway and over to the pickup, drop off line. She smiled a little as she was lucky she did not need to drive. She hobbled her way over to the Porsche and managed to open the door with a little effort, though Mirage helped her so she would not have to struggle so much.

She carefully lowered herself into the seat and sighed as she placed the crutches onto the passenger seat before making herself comfortable and closed the door. "Morning, Mirage. I guess you stayed near the hospital all night as Optimus said."

"Yep, we sure did." Mirage sounded completely unhappy about it. He drove away from the parking space to make his way out of the hospital lot. "So...I see you have...uh...what are these things called? The things you are using to help you walk around."

Saphira smiled a little as she glanced at the crutches. "They're crutches. My ankle was sprained enough to the point where it was almost broken from the attack...which was not means my ankle will take a bit longer to heal. So I can't put pressure on it for now."

"I see." Mirage could see that it was going to make it difficult for Saphira to move around. "I don't know what Optimus is thinking...hmm...would you mind if we talk to Optimus before I take you back to your apartment? He needs to see you can't climb into a truck very easily, and you need the apartment to heal."

Through Ash and Dust (ROTB)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz