Chapter 30

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Another five days pass by, and Saphira found herself being fed soup and bread by Optimus each day. He insisted she sat on his thighs each time until she began to show signs she was getting better. Her fever had broken, and she was on the mend, but she still felt aches in her body, had a blocked nose, headache and mucus that she was still coughing up. She also still had a sore throat, which finally bought stuff for to ease the pain she felt in her throat. But she only started to feel better a day ago, and she ended up feeling well enough to buy four small canvases, as she was still wanting to do something for the autobots for Christmas.

And Arcee did find an insulated building they could all hide in. Saphira was concerned it would have squatters in it, but when she was shown it was an old factory that really didn't have any sign of squatters, she was relieved. But Optimus kept her in his cab, even after finding this building. Saphira didn't find the building warm, though Mirage and Bumblebee were able to fix the fireplace, and insulate some of the walls better, and stabilize the whole building too, as it has been abandoned for years. Saphira never understood why businesses abandoned buildings, but she was not an owner of a place like this.

Saphira was sitting of a sofa huddled in blankets as Mirage and Bumblebee had insisted on spending time with her, and promised to not take her anywhere from the building, so Optimus allowed her to spend time outside of the cab. Optimus remained though, and stayed in his vehicle mode while he watched and listened to Bumblebee and Mirage so he knew what was being said, and to ensure that if Saphira wanted to get back into the cab, he would be there for her.

"Now that it seems like your flu is going to pass soon, Bumblebee and I thought it might be a good idea to see what you want to with this place. I know Optimus will let you get a job, but I am not sure if you will find a place to rent with a big enough garage to hold all four of us." Saphira believed that she would, she would just need to spend time searching for the right house. "But since this place might the most secure place that we could find, what do you think about making it more personal?"

Saphira raised an eyebrow at them. "More personal?" Mirage nodded with a smile. "You already found a couch on the side of the road, and a small dining table with chairs in an alley, that seems to be enough. This place is not going to be where we will live all the time, Mirage. Especially when I find another job. Decorating this place would be a waste of time. I guess I understand, because you want me to be comfortable, but I don't need to do anything to claim this place as mine."

"That might be true, but it does not have to be too much. Just a little touch to make you feel better when you look around." Mirage didn't really know what they could do though, as he was not familiar with the interior of human houses. He looked at Bumblebee who was listening with an amused expression on his face. "Do you know how humans make their homes more personal, Bee? You spent a bit of time with them before we arrived, so I am going to guess you know."

Bumblebee chuckled with a shrug. "I know a little. Maybe a rug, curtain or nice ornament." Bee looked at Saphira who was unconvinced. "I thought we were going to be talking about Christmas, not decorating this old place with things that could get stolen or left behind when you find a place to rent." Bumblebee was thinking of getting a tree. "What about just a Christmas tree? That would be enough."

Saphira thought about it for a moment. She had not really thought about getting any Christmas decoration, as she was happy to just have the autobots around her for Christmas. But the more she thought about it, the more she began to like the idea of having a Christmas tree. But she wanted to be better when picking out a tree, so that she would be happy, and she could have the autobots involved in decorating the tree too. It would be very fun and wholesome.

"I will consider it." She lifts her hand to her mouth as she began to cough again, making Mirage and Bumblebee soften their expressions as they watch Saphira cough. The sound of her cough has gotten better, but it was still course due to the mucus build up. She groaned, tugging the blankets tighter around her. "But the best thing for this Christmas for me, will be no more flu. We can always enjoy looking at the Christmas trees around the city, we don't have to get one."

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