Chapter 1

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Having seen the Rise of the Beasts, I have a very extreme distaste for lack of story and lack of character development. For me, the entire movie was rushed. I did not see much character development at all. This movie could have been divided into two, nice, long movies, if I am honest. While I liked Mirage the most, and this Optimus is not too different from the Bayverse Optimus, especially his comment about removing Scourge's head, I did not appreciate the fast pace and very unnecessary scenes that felt like it cut to the chase too soon or felt they were in the wrong place. It felt cartoony and ridiculous in some scenes. The first thirty minutes of the movie was great. I appreciate a story when it is thought out. This is why, to me, The Last Knight ranks above because there was at least some character development and a story, and as I watched it five times in the cinema, it's rewatchable for me. I have always preferred a mature story as a kid, through to adulthood.

But while I have problems with the film, the basis of it is still good. The first thirty minutes of the movie was great. And for me, the basis of the film is good enough to write a story based off the film and expand on the story. And it will probably just be a single book, though it will not be short either.

So this will be another Optimus Prime x OC story. Rating is for violence, blood, eventual smut, sex scenes, near death experiences, abusive relationship, emotional trauma, assault and suicidal thoughts. The relationship will be another slow burn too. I hope you will all enjoy.

Another day, another morning in this very busy city. While many people rave on about how great New York is to live in, for a young girl who fled her home when she was just sixteen, everything she had now was all worked for. She was nineteen now, and she had been working for a large company since she left her family home. And she received a promotion and bonus last year, which allowed her to move into the apartment she was living in right now. But to say it was great was an understatement. But it was home.

She didn't own a car yet, and she was working towards one since public transportation was getting annoying since she could not do shopping properly, only in small bits. So while she may not use the car to get to work, using it for groceries and general shopping would be nice. But she could only make do with what she had. And she was proud of it. It was way better than the life she had before she escaped her home.

With long, black hair and beautiful green eyes, this girl was able to find someone who she believed to be a good boyfriend. Both she and he have been together for at least six months, and he currently works in construction as a manager. She thinks that he has a great job, and he works very hard for what he has as well. He does not live with her, and the two of them like it that way since they both work different jobs. Her apartment is in a good location for her work, just as his apartment is in a good spot for where he works. And they met up by accident as they happened to be on the same bus by accident, and he offered to take her out for drinks, and it went from there.

But their relationship has only been platonic so far. Neither one has brought up being intimate, and they both simply enjoy going out together for movies, drinks, meals, shopping, watching a movie at each other's apartment or playing video games together. But she has really enjoyed that about their relationship so far. And she felt as though they were growing closer, so she didn't feel like they needed to be intimate with each other to be happy about their relationship.

Making sure that her hair looked neat and her shirt was straightened before getting off the bus, the girl walked briskly along the busy sidewalk to the company building. She glanced up with a smile before stopping at the usual coffee cart to buy herself the usual caramel latte. The barista had the coffee all ready to go by the time she arrived, as she was here almost every day to buy to give herself the boost she needed for the day.

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