Chapter 27

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Saphira huddled under several towels with deep, pink cheeks. She had moved into the backseat to remove her drenched clothes. But as she took her jacket off, she knew she had her short, bra, jeans and panties to remove, which was why she was under the towels right now. She was attempting to soak up the water, but she was also wanting to change. Despite the fact she was with Optimus right now, which shouldn't bother her. But she's never actually changed clothes or been naked in front of any of the autobots. And while Transit had forced her to get changed under his watchful eye, she wasn't comfortable under the optics of the autobots. But with Optimus, it was kind of different. She didn't know why she was blushing, but she couldn't help but kind of like the idea of Optimus seeing her without clothes on. She knew it was silly, though that is what a part of her felt.

I think it's just the embarrassment that I have to change clothes in order to get warm more than fluster...

Saphira sighed as she carefully pulled her jeans off slowly. She didn't want the towels to slip off as she did so. Once they were off, she pulled her panties off and quickly dried her skin before slipping a new pair of panties and jeans on. She was relieved, even though she shuddered in embarrassment. With them on, she only had to do her shirt and bra. She took a deep breath and took her shirt off first before quickly unclipping her bra. She dried her chest and stomach before putting a new bra and shirt on. She took a deep breath as she felt so much better.

She smiled to herself and lifted a towel to look out, not seeing Optimus's holoform at all. She didn't know if he was thinking she was being ridiculous, but that didn't matter. She sighed as she pushed the towels off onto the ground. She was going to use the blanket, but went with the towels instead. She was glad about choosing that. She smiled to herself before she felt a sudden urge to sneeze. She grimaced, trying to hold it back, but she couldn't. She sneezed loudly and sniffled a little with a light shiver.

"Are you okay?" Optimus was surprised by the sudden sneeze, and he was a little worried that she might be getting sick. She nodded with a smile as she took a deep breath and relax on the chair. "I hope so. At least the scratches on your face is not too deep."

Saphira looked at the mirror to look at the scratches on her face. She knew she would need to put something on them as they could get infected, and she didn't want that to happen. "They may not be deep, but I will still need to clean them and apply something on them so they will heal quickly. At least I can get some rest and much needed food."

"Indeed." Optimus turned off from the road to drive into the wharf warehouse. Saphira smiled as she could see Arcee, Bumblebee and Mirage all standing and waiting for them. "Though it is still late at night. I assume you will want to wait until morning before going to get something." She did. She honestly wanted to sleep more than anything, but she wanted to see the others first. "I do wish we found you sooner, Saphira. I am sorry it took so long."

"You keep apologizing for something that isn't your fault, Optimus." Saphira crawled into the front driver seat and looked at the dash in amusement. "I am just glad to be here. I am glad to be back here with you, Optimus." She thought about what life might look like ahead of them. "Hmm...and I'll need to finish those paintings as well. I am behind a little bit because of this whole ordeal."

"I find it curious that is the first thing you are concerned about." She shrugged as Optimus came to a stop in the warehouse and opened the door for her. "And what you've done so far is wonderful." Saphira looked at the dash in surprise and frowned a little. "Please don't be too disappointed, Saphira. Mirage showed them to me to show how much you care about us. As I had doubted you would even come back...I had thought you would have taken the chance and fled from us. But when I saw the pictures, even if they were not finished, I realized how deep your care is for us. But the picture you have of me stood out."

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