Chapter 3

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Anybody else born from the 90's? I have to say, it feels weird to write a story without including mobile phones since they weren't really around until the 2000's. But it's nice for a change.

Saphira was sitting on the bus as it drove through the city to her destination. It felt incredibly weird to not being going to work right now as she would be at work right now. But she was on her way to meet Marcus about the car he wanted to sell. Saphira was feeling a little excited about it now that she was on her way. She was wondering what color the Porsche is, and if it needed a lot of work. If what Marcus said is true, then she understood why he was trying to get rid of the car.

She stared out the window as the bus drove through the city as she wanted to memorize the roads before she would attempt to drive the car back to her apartment. She knew as she had been using public transportation a lot, she wasn't entirely familiar with the roads of New York. So she really did need to get familiar with the roads quickly or she would get lost. And she didn't have a map of the city, though she felt like she would get confused if she even attempted to open a map.

The longer drive gave her a bit of time to think though, and it was nice to have that free time. She also knew she would have to mentally prepare herself for going into the office tomorrow as Claudia was definitely going to notice that she is not present, and that the woman will likely take it upon herself to annoy Saphira. She was not looking forward to that, but she was looking forward to seeing how her team go without her present. She knew everyone would be aware that she was away for a business reason thanks to Arthur.

When the bus drove into a quieter suburb, Saphira smiled as she definitely liked what she was seeing. It wasn't as busy as the part she was living in, and she wished she could afford to move here. But her apartment was convenient, so that was why she lived there. She definitely was going to work towards being able to afford a more peaceful lifestyle in the city as it would just be much better on her mind and soul.

As the bus approached a bus stop, Saphira spotted a car parked around the corner from the bus stop. It was a silver Porsche with a blue stripe from the hood down to the spoiler of the car. She smiled as she saw a gentleman waiting by the car and she knew this was Marcus. And he definitely kept his word on bringing the car to the stop. It was hilarious to her because it was just something she didn't think he would do. But he did. And that would make it easier for her to test drive the car.

When the bus stopped, Saphira got out of the bus and walked over to him. She smiled as she saw the man. He had a dark beard, messy brown hair and hazel eyes. He was a little overweight too, but he was cleanly dressed, and he smiled as he saw Saphira approaching him. She hoped he had not been waiting a long time as she knew he could have been waiting longer than an hour. But he didn't seem annoyed, so she hoped he had not been waiting.

"You must be Saphira," Marcus said politely as he extends his hand out to the girl. "Nice to meet you." She shook his hand with a smile. "I hope the trip from the busier part of town wasn't too bad."

She shook her head. "Nah, the bus just had a few stops between where I got on until I arrived here. It is a pleasure to meet you." She looked at the car and walked around Marcus. "So this is the car that your daughter does not want. I see it has a custom paint job."

"Yep. It came with this very same paintjob. It has been unchanged, but I have made sure to keep it in as pristine of condition as possible." Marcus placed his hand on the roof of the car as Saphira looked at it curiously. "It also has a custom brand badge on the hood and steering wheel. Some kind of face thing, or whatever. It's very unique."

"Really?" Saphira walked to the hood and she saw it. It was a strange badge alright. And the shapes is of a face, but she didn't know what kind of face it represents. "I guess someone bought this car and decided to make it up this way. I am surprised that they didn't keep it."

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