Chapter 10

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It was the late afternoon, and Saphira had not been doing much at all for most of the day. She ended up having a nap in the middle of the day, mostly because the stress and pain had made her feel exhausted, and she needed to sleep it away. Though she didn't feel much better when she woke up from her nap, and she did not even feel hungry either. The most she had was an apple, and that pretty much felt like it was more than enough for her for the whole day. She knew it was because she was not feeling herself, and she might make some soups later, but she really was not feeling it today. She might take a day or two to get back to eating, but that did depend on how she felt.

As it was the late afternoon though, Saphira knew that Optimus would be expecting her to leave the apartment tonight. She dreaded that. She dreaded it a lot. The only thing was though she did not have a way to communicate with the autobots. As far as she knew, she was not given anything. The only thing that did cross her mind were the keys for the Porsche. She technically did not need keys to start the motor, as Mirage did not need the keys, but she did believe that the keys were an extended part of him. She just had not asked about it.

She also did not want to seem like a fool for trying to speak to a key in the hopes it would respond to her. Until she is given confirmation on what exactly she could use to communicate with the autobots, she figured she would not try anything for the time being. Though she truthfully did not know how to feel about tonight. She really wanted to stay in the apartment and sleep in her bed. She hated the idea of having to leave, and she truthfully did not want to call her landlord over it. Though truth be told, her lease renewal is in a few weeks, so she could easily let that roll over, and her contract would no longer beg valid...but she still did not want to leave it yet.

She had considered calling a real estate about a new apartment, but she knew there was no point in doing that. The autobots likely would follow her to it anyway, and she really did not want to get on the badside of Optimus. With her crutches though, it would be interesting to see how the first night was going to go. She couldn't put pressure on her ankle or ribs either, and trucks were not exactly the most comfortable place to sleep.

She did make sure that she showered before the evening as she wanted to make sure she felt clean. She had no idea how cold it would get, or whether Optimus would keep her warm from the cold air, but it was best to be prepared. Which meant warm clothes, even though she was tempted to wear pyjamas. She had to think about what else she would bring. She figured a pillow and a blanket, but she did not know if it would be allowed.

I don't think Optimus will be that cruel and prevent me from having these for a more comfortable night sleep...but I don't know him really well either.

Saphira did wanted to drag out the time a bit as well. She didn't particularly want to sleep extremely early, even though it would be good for her body to heal. So she would wait until it was about seven. She grabbed her sketchbook, a diary and pencils to bring with her, along with a pillow and blanket. She put them into a bag to take with her and used the bathroom before she would head down to the car lot. She did not really know what to expect.

She stood in the elevator, resting against the wall as she waited for the elevator to reach the car lot. Her mind was going over a lot of different things at the moment. She knew that it would not be settled for a while. She did try not to think about Dylan and Claudia, but it was extremely hard not to think about them. She was still hurting. She definitely was going to sue them for what they have done to her. She did not care if they would go into debt, they deserved it.

Once the elevator doors open, Saphira hobbled out of the elevator and made her way across the lot over to Mirage. She did not feel any sense of happiness when she saw the Porsche, she simply reached the door and it opened before she could reach the handle and carefully sat down and placed her crutches onto the passenger seat, along with her bag. She closed the door and put the seatbelt on before she relaxed.

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