Chapter 45

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Upon waking the next morning, Saphira ended up waking slowly to the feeling over Optimus's body against hers, and his arms wrapped around her, along with her arms around his. She was happy to feel his presence right next to her as soon as she woke up. She opened her eyes slowly, smiling as his body was blocking the light of the sun, though as she looked at his optics, she realized he was recharging. She had not really realized that the autobots needed rest like she did, but he did not open his optics when she woke up, which meant he was in a deep recharge. She smiled, knowing he needed it as much as her, and she could not help but admire him silently.

He's so handsome...I can't get over it. I remember seeing him for the first time, and I did notice that he seemed attractive for an autobot. But my panic and anxiety blocked it, especially when Optimus had first threatened me. At least we are past that.

Saphira placed her hand on his chassis to caress gently. She did not know what time it was, but she didn't care. She still felt tired, but she would catch up on that a little later. She moved a little to look at the window, and saw it was only dawn. That explained why she was tired. She only got about five hours of sleep. She sighed and looked at Optimus again, smiling as she thought it was funny that she woke up before him this time. She caressed his chassis gently and moved her hand to stroke his cheek as well.

I am grateful Airazor arrived when she did. Scourge was about kill you, Optimus. And I would have been there, right next to you, to witness it...though I think he would have killed me first. His comments about me made me so uneasy.

Saphira would be inconsolable if Optimus had been killed as well. She was glad he wasn't. She knew that he felt he should have been the one to die, and she understood the reason. But she honestly would have been devasted if he did die. Of course, her heart was broken for Bee, but she didn't love him like she did Optimus. If there was a way for him to be brought back, it was likely to be on Cybertron. So Saphira wouldn't be there if it were to happen.

Saphira stared at him quietly as she thought about the day ahead of them. In several hours, they would be flying to Peru. She did not know if Scourge has already discovered the location of the second key, but it did not matter. They had no means of transport, aside from Stratosphere. So they had to wait for him to arrive before they could go. So if he did figure it out, hopefully he wasn't moving fast, so they could get there before him.

Saphira continued to caress his cheek before she leaned in and kissed his lips gently. She smiled as she felt happy he was here. She jumped a little when she felt Optimus kissing her back, and she glanced at his optics to see them opening. He smiled and they both kiss passionately while he rubbed his hands along her back gently as he woke up from his recharge. This would have likely been a nice way for him to wake up.

Optimus hummed gently against her lips, tickling them lightly, and making Saphira giggle softly. "Good morning, Saphira." He kissed her again before he frowned a little. "It is very early. Maybe you should go back to sleep." She shook her head and nuzzled his cheek gently. "Well, I guess last night was very hard, so I understand. But you have not had much sleep last night, Saphira. I would think you would want to be well rested."

"I can catch up on sleep later when we are in the air." She kissed his neck gently as she moved her leg over his hip, pressing her hips against his crotch plate, and feeling him jump in surprise. "But...I want comfort right now, Optimus." She felt some tears in her eyes and swallowed to push them back. "I am still in...a lot of emotional pain. You still love me...don't you?"

Optimus looked at her in surprise and softened his expression. "That is a silly thing for you to ask. I can understand that last night was hard, but I have not fallen out of love for you." She smiled and she opened her mouth to speak, and placed his index finger on her lips gently to stop her. "Feeling you kissing me as I wake from my recharge was beautiful. You do not need to ask if I still love you. And I know you still love me as well."

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