Chapter 11

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'Dear Diary,

It has been three days since my life has changed so drastically. It certainly makes each day a little interesting. Waking up inside a truck cab, instead of my own bed is something I am still getting used to. But I have honestly found that sleeping g while a truck is moving gently through the city makes for quite a nice sleep. That has come as a surprise to me, but I certainly am not complaining. The more I sleep, the faster I heal.

My ankle to healing rather well. It is not hurting like it did, but I still can't walk on it. So I am getting better at making use of the crutches. Not that I have a choice. Cooking while on crutches has been a challenge, so I've stuck on sandwiches for the last few days. I am not interested in eating much, so I only have a single sandwich each day. I know it isn't healthy, but I honestly have no motivation at this time.

As for Mirage, he has been my rock so far. Despite him being very different from me, Mirage has been such a nice and supportive person. I actually feel comfortable talking to him about a lot of things already. He keeps a lot from his leader, though I do think Optimus is aware of a lot of those thoughts. He is not the kind of person who you can get things past, as he is extremely aware of his surroundings.

But unfortunately, Optimus has not warmed up to me yet. He hasn't been cruel, but he is not nice either. He does seem to respect that my injuries require help, so he allows the other autobots to help me. While he still scares me, I can't help but wish to know more of his story. His past, his reason to be on this planet intrigues me. If he trusted me, I am sure he would tell me. But I don't know if I am even building that trust just yet.'

It was currently Wednesday, and Saphira had just finished writing another entry into her diary. She has enjoyed writing in it, as it provided a lot of relief that she has been needing. The stress and trauma she has felt from the incident on the weekend really needed a positive outlet. And this has been one of the only things she has found to help. She has also been sketching and painting a lot too. She has yet to make any kind of effort to inform her landlord that she would not be renewing her contract for the apartment as she still had time to do that.

She sighed as she closed the diary, rubbing her face gently and stretching her arms with a light yawn. It was still early in the morning, and Saphira had decided that she would be returning to work today. She felt she had enough time off the moment, even though going back to face Claudia was very frightening to her. She has yet to hear from the police, so she did not know if the investigation was taking longer than it should or not.

She sat up and grabbed her brush out of her bag, squinting slightly from the sun in her eyes. She was still in the freightliner currently, and Optimus was on his way to the wharf where the autobots had been gathering each night for Saphira to climb into the cab. They knew this wouldn't always be the case as when she is healed, Optimus could pick her up somewhere else, and she would be fine with that.

"Good morning, Optimus," Saphira said gently, yawning again as she was having a hard time waking. "I see you haven't found Transit yet. Were you able find clues? Or was your night very easy under the stars?" Optimus did not respond to her. Saphira had tried to make light conversation with Optimus each morning over the last three days. She did not know if he liked it when she acknowledged him in the morning, but he never says anything to her. " case you wanted to know, I am going to go back to my work today. I feel like I'm ready to face it, even though nothing has been done about the woman who was involved with my assault. At least, as far as I know...anyway, you should know in case you wonder why the tracking signal is leaving to a different part of the city."

Still nothing. Saphira did not take it personally, she guessed he simply just did not respond because of his views on humans. Saphira couldn't really blame him for his distrust though. She herself has been through a lot, and she knows first hand what it feels like to not trust the very people you believed would protect you. And Saphira only trusted Arthur and Nicholas at this time, but she still had a weary trust in a way. Things could change, and she knew it.

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