Chapter 48

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Walking along the grass, Saphira was feeling quite anxious about getting into the city to the temple to find evidence of any symbols that might locate the key. There was a lot of pressure on her to find it. She didn't even know what they would do if the key has been moved. After all, it could also be inside some kind of containment, like the first part of the key. And they wouldn't even know where to find it at this time. She hoped that it wouldn't be too hard, but she knew that there would be no promises. She glanced up as she saw Airazor flying above, and Stratosphere has taken off to fly as well. She smiled a little, wishing she had wings herself. It would be a freeing feeling, and she would be able to go anywhere.

She gazed around at the many ruins they pass by, feeling a sense of achievement from seeing them. She knew they weren't important to the autobots, but she knew that it was still cool to see. Though as they walk towards the edge of the hill, Saphira was starting to feel the heat and humidity. She had not noticed before, since she was still getting over the rough landing from Stratosphere, but she was certainly starting to notice now. She would ask Optimus to let her get changed very soon.

As they reach the edge of the hill, Saphira smiled as they overlook a large city. She looked around and noticed there seemed to be large crowds gathering in the streets. There appeared to be some kind of festival happening right now. Though Saphira did not think much of it, because she would be the one to get to the temple, and it was unlikely that she would be prevented from reaching the temple by the crowds. People wouldn't really notice.

"Okay, you guys, check this out..." Saphira glanced up at Wheeljack as he began to speak. "The coordinates you gave me correspond to an old church, take a look."

Saphira couldn't see very far, but she guessed Optimus was looking to locate the temple. She doubted it would be too difficult to find, though she would hope that autobots would drop her off near the temple, so she would not have to try and find it among the crowds of people. She didn't want to be embarrassed, since she wouldn't exactly know where she was going. But she would get to it no matter what.

"I believe that is Santa Domingo," Saphira said thoughtfully with a smile. "The Spanish built it on top of the old Inca Temple. I remember reading that among all the material at the library. I probably should have mentioned it...but I forgot to do that yesterday."

Optimus smiled at her, knowing that small detail was not necessarily bad. "Correcto..." Saphira looked back at Wheeljack confirming her information. "I picked up some residual energy readings around the courtyard, so I'm guessing the key is somewhere close by. But we may have some trouble getting there." Saphira knew he was referring to the crowds down below, though she did not know yet what the people were doing. "Inti Raymi, it's a festival that shuts down the whole city."

"Sounds like fun," Saphira commented as she watched the crowd. "And probably a good thing everyone is distracted. They're not likely to notice anyone just walking through the crowds casually."

"Or this could be a night mission," Mirage suggested, and Saphira immediately shook her head. "Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark..." Saphira looked at him with a sharp look, and the bot realized his words. "Oh...right..." Optimus shook his head at him. "Sorry...I forget that...that you have a good reason for it."

"And Scourge could already be here," Optimus said bluntly, looking at the city with concern. "We must retrieve the other before he does. Time is not on our side at this time." He intakes heavily and looked down at Saphira. "Will you be able to locate the temple without any of the locals noticing you?"

She nodded. "Of course. I am a human, so it is not like I will stand out. Except..." She gestured to her jacket. "I am...kind of feeling the heat right now..." She unzipped her jacket and pulled it off with a sigh. "I need to change anyway, so I at least will not look like I just came from the Arctic to them." She felt better taking the jacket off, but she quickly pulled her long sleeve shirt off, leaving her with just her singlet, which was a whole lot better. "That feels way better."

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