Chapter 54

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Sex Scene in this Chapter

When Saphira's hair was finally braided, the necklace was placed around her neck and the crown upon her head. She could not help but feel very beautiful at this time. Optimus had not yet returned, and that was completely okay. The women made sure to do what they needed before they took her by the hands and led her out of the hut. Saphira looked around when she stepped out of the hut, and glanced towards Primal, only to be surprised and happy to see Mirage, Arcee, Wheeljack, Stratosphere, Cheetor, Airazor and Rhinox standing nearby. Though the autobots seemed unsure of what was happening.

Saphira giggled as she was guided to the center of the village and brought over to a chair to sit on. She was not sure how she was going to be partaking in this ceremony, and with Optimus not present right now, she wondered if they were waiting for him to come back. She looked around as the villagers gathered around, and she could see the fish, fruit and vegetables being cooked. But she also noticed they had jars with herbs and spices, and that was really nice.

While Saphira was sitting and looking around, the chief walked over to Saphira and she was surprised when he gave her a respectful bow and began to speak. Saphira kept a polite smile on her face, but she glanced at Primal for help with translating. Primal nodded to her and began to translate for Saphira. "The chieftain welcomes a fair maiden from a far-off land to this village. The tribe is honoured to bestow their joy and blessing in the courtship between you and the higher being who has come from faraway to protect our homeland from greater evil in this world." Saphira was blushing as she listened, and she could not help but try to see if Optimus was walking back, but he was not yet and Primal continued to translate for the chief. "In this short time, we welcome you to indulge in the finest food we have gathered for this ceremony. May your life with the higher being, be rewarded gracefully by the ancient spirits and bring you everlasting peace, love, and fertility. Enjoy our song and dance, and the presentation of you to your mate."

Saphira looked at the chief and bowed her head respectfully to him. "Thank you for offering this amazing blessing, chief. I will gladly partake in indulging in the food presented by your people and enjoy the song and dance you will perform tonight." Primal translated Saphira's response to the chief, and the man was smiling with glee. "I have no doubt that Optimus and I will enjoy our time together." Saphira didn't want to say the time might be short, knowing that the people may not fully understand.

The chief responded gleefully, throwing his arms in the air and the villagers cheer loudly. "The chief said that he is ecstatic, and to let the ceremony begin."

Saphira chuckled as drums and flutes began to be played, and both men and women began to dance around the fire. The children sat with smiles on their faces while watching, and Saphira guessed this was likely the first round of dancing. And as they began to sing, Saphira lightly clapped her hands along as she watched joyfully. She didn't know what the words were in the song, but that did not matter. It was the energy that was coming from the village that made her thoroughly enjoy the experience.

Cheeter chuckled lightly as he watched the tribe sing and dance. He looked at Primal and saw that the maximal had a joyful expression. "Let me guess, you are thinking about her?" Primal nodded affirmatively. "I remember when you and Saywa experienced this ceremony. I hope that Optimus enjoys it as much as you did. I can see Saphira is enjoying herself."

"Yes. I cannot help but think back to that time. Saywa didn't like being fussed over either. It intrigues me that Saphira and Saywa are very similar to each other." Primal hummed as he relaxed on the ground, resting on his arms. "It is a shame she is unable to join us right now."

"So Saywa is the name for your sparkmate?" Airazor questioned curiously, and Primal nodded affirmatively. "Like Saphira's name, that is a very beautiful name."

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