Meant for each other.

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A/N: So umm, my holidays are extended till tomorrow and maybe that's why I'm writing.
Till my college decides to put me in hell I'll write stories so I can be In heaven at least for a while.

Pray for me.
It sucked but I'm publishing it anyways.

Inspired by my own life partially.


Dear Diary♡
Hi, I'm Lee Felix, diagnosed with cancer stage 4 with a few more days to live. I do want to live but I'm not complaining. My life was beautiful even though my childhood is blurry enough for me to not remember it anymore. Life was shitty but my parents were great. I had what I needed, I had what I wanted. The only thing I never got to have was Love. Don't get me wrong, my parents loved me a lot and I did that too. But it's a kind of feeling that I realised day by day when I was growing up. I stopped sharing everything with my parents. They knew the happy me but little did they know their child was dying before having cancer. And that's why I needed someone. Someone whose path crosses with mine, who chooses me above all. Who loves me like it's the end of the world. Who smiles genuinely when he looks at me. I crave that kind of love. I do have friends but best friends don't make you feel left out, friends don't hurt you with their words and actions. But mine did and I always felt like an outcast. Unfortunately, I can't even wish to have that love anymore since I'm dying but I want to feel it before I die. For once, I want to feel loved, to be chosen. For once I want to feel those butterflies. For once I want to feel someone being genuinely happy when they see me. That's all I want before I leave this world. Before I leave everything behind.
I want someone to read this diary after I die and think that
'I would have loved him.'

I want to write in my diary that 'oh dear diary, I met a boy, who made my dull heart light up with joy.'

I want someone to whom I can say 'This was the very first page, not where the storyline ends, my thoughts will echo you name until I see you again. These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you.'

And it's true anyways, I'm leaving too soon. When I was a teenager the only fear I had was dying when I wanted to live. At that time all I wanted was die and now God has granted that wish. I'm dying when I don't want to.

I fell in love with life and it's contradictions but the time has come.

My last diary entry.

To everyone who was a part of my life, I Love You but for now it's goodbye.

Until we meet again.
Yours truly

I close my diary with a tear slipping of my eyes. I take a deep breath. I resigned from my job because I don't have to work anymore. I have enough to survive till Grim Reaper comes and takes me away.

Now that things are coming to an end I look at this world and it's beautiful. We all are so occupied with so many things that we forget to notice the small things. But I'm grateful that at least I got a chance to relive everything once again. I don't have any regrets. I'm happy. Even though there is a missing part of my heart, I'm happy.

The sunset looks beautiful, way too beautiful. It doesn't feel real, the voices behind me are echoing, my vision is blurring and I feel a throbbing pain in my chest. I feel a beautiful pain in my heart.

The time has come.

Everything is blurring till it's black and.......Im gone? I'm dead?

-----Time Skip-----

I open my eyes to see white walls around me, am I in heaven? I look around me and there is a huge window. It's raining.

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