My Rival Part 2

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A/N : I forgot to mention that this story will be written entirely in HYUNJIN'S POV


I woke up with a bright and warm feeling on my face. But something was even more bright, even more warm and that is Felix. He snuggled to me the entire night and to be honest I didn't hate it at all. I loved it. I never thought that holding someone could bring me so much happiness

What are you thinking Hyunjin, are you out of your mind, you've never loved anyone, never cared for anyone, all you did was fuck them and it's over so why are you thinking like this now. He is your enemy remember.

I can't really understand why I am feeling all this, this is so new.

"Hyunjin?" I was pulled out from my abnormal thoughts by hearing Felix call me.
"Oh hey-hi, Go-good morning."
I said and I fucking stuttered.
I, Me, HWANG HYUNJIN stuttered.

"Good morning, wait what am I doing here, did something happen yesterday?" He asked me after seeing that he wasn't wearing his clothes and just a T-shirt with a boxer. He got up from the bed and moved away.

"I fucked you yesterday." I said shamelessly.

"You-you did what?" He asked.
"I FUCKED YOU, is that clear enough for you, and trust me you were begging me to do that as well."

"I did?"

His eyes started watering and I've never felt so guilty in my entire life. And then my feet started moving automatically and I cupped his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I am really sorry. I shouldn't have taken the advantage of you bring drunk but I was drunk too." I wiped his tears and God what am I doing.
I am not supposed to do all of this. But I am. Seeing him cry makes me feel.......something, something weird. I bet I made him cry a lot more times because of our academics but seeing him actually cry makes me heart break.

Heart? Break. Do you even have a heart? You didn't care for others and now this?

"No, I am not crying because of that but I just got a bit overwhelmed that's it. Pretend that it never happened, we are still rivlas." He said making me confused. He is not crying because I was the one who had sex with him last night? Before I could ask anything he walked away. I stood in the same place. I just can't understand where am I heading to. Does the future hold something for me....for us?

----Time Skip------

I went to our class and I was kind of late today because I am just a dumb little fuck who was standing and was trying to name the feelings that I've caught. The only place that was empty was beside Felix. I felt kind of nervous. I've never felt it. I'm a bit happy that I get to sit with him the whole day cause it's not like he doesn't hate people like I do. If I'm known for that mafia vibes I give then he is known for the sunshine vibes.

I went next to him and he didn't look uncomfortable.
"Hi" He said, I don't even know what to do right now. I can't figure him out. I don't know whether I should regret this or be happy.

"Hi, feeling better?" I asked.

"Yes and I'm sorry if I freaked you out at morning. It's just that I have a bad experience with it in the past. But don't think I regret or anything cause unknowingly I'm not regretting."

I felt my stomach, no I felt my whole body filled with something.....Is that what they call as butterflies?
But bad experience....Was no, but what if it did happen with him and I triggered, no please I hope it is not the case.

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