One more chance?

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Idol AU
A/n : So please don't take it seriously. I guess you'll understand reading the story. Just wanna say that it's for the plot and no hate to any members. (I can't live without them)


Hyunjin and Felix, members of one of the most successful bands in kpop and are making history by their music. They have been dating for more than five years with the constant support of members as well as the company. They were the most perfect couple and were admired but were also able to control it on screen because they are growing in popularity and didn't want to ruin anything. But things change. With growing popularity and success hate grew too. That's why on screen they had to be distant. But it was only on screen right? There was nothing mentioned about off screen but unfortunately they became distant.

Felix was lying on his bed waiting for hyunjin to come so be can cuddle him. Hyunjin finally came in and immediately went to the washroom and when he came back all fresh he didn't even spare a glance to his lover. But still Felix tried to get closer to him and put his hand on Hyunjin waist but he immediately removed it.
"What do you want Felix?" Hyunjin was annoyed. "I just want cuddles." Felix said, his heart broke into pieces.
"I don't care, just move away."

Felix was sad, very sad. 'Did I do something wrongwrong, how did it go so wrong. Will I be able to continue?' Felix cried silently knowing that it was supposed to come to an end but like this, he never thought.

The Next Day
They all went to a trip on their break to have fun and relax some time and Felix was a sunshine but it was like the sun was not shining at all.
"Yo bro, are you okay?" Chan asked. Sometimes Felix felt that Chan knows him better than Hyunjin.

"Nah, everything is fine." Felix said trying to put on a fake smile. "Is everything alright, you can always talk to me." Chan said being genuinely worried for him when he heard a laughter and turned towards them. It was Hyunjin flirting with Jeongin. And when he turned back to Felix his heart broke, he was in tears but quickly wiped it off.

'I think I know what's wrong.' Chan thought.

"Come you all, let's go to get food." Changbin shouted loudly.
"Come let's go Chan."

They all were ready and were enjoying by talking about their childhood memories and all of that but Felix was quiet. He was happy to see Hyunjin happy but his heart was breaking seeing him flirt with the members while his boyfriend was literally next to him. It didn't go unnoticed by Chan.
The next thing that happened broke Felix's heart into a million little pieces. Hyunjin pulled Jeongin into his lap and hugged him so tight like he would disappear if he lets him go. "Guys I'll be back, I need to use the restroom." Felix said and immediately went to the washroom. Chan immediately got up and went behind him.

"What happened to lixie, he looks so dull, Is he sick Hyunjin?" Jisung was worried and asked hyunjin since he is lix's so called boyfriend.
"Uh, how would I know."
"He is your fucking boyfriend you asshole, you should know."
"Yeah, but still it's not necessary that I know everything." Hyunjin said completely unbothered by him.

Chan followed Felix and saw that Felix wasn't going to the rest room, he was going near the beach. "Lix, listen to me."
He heard faint sounds of sobbing till he went next to Felix and sat on the sand.

"Lix, oh my-" Before he could say anything he was pulled into a hug by Felix which he gladly returned.

"I'm tired Channie hyung, I'm so *sob* so sick of it. He treats me like I don't exist anymore. I don't know if I can continue anymore. What did I do so wrong. It's of no use anymore. I'm sorry." Felix was crying so hard while his heart was breaking. He knew if he gave up on loving Hyunjin he cannot love anyone else. He knew that he had to move on but how do you move on when you lost someone you dearly loved. He missed the old Hyunjin, the one who takes care of him, cuddles him, gets jealous when he gets clingy with other members a bit too much, who holds him like this is the last day. But he was smart enough to know that he needs to let him go, set him free and set himself free.

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