Safe (Requested)

126 5 4

          Part 1

This chapter was requested by a friend.
This chapter sucks so do not read it.

A/n : after reading this one, I felt like it was similar to that of 2 hyunlix fan fictions but it is purely coincidental. This was out of request as well as my stupid brain.


Lee Felix, a sassy rich bitch with a dark secret hidden. He is sunshine but wants be gone?

Belonging to a rich family is something he hates. He gets whatever he wants but no one understands what he needs. He needs.....Love, care and affection. Is it bad for him to want something he can't have? Or will he have it?

Is the universe too cruel to leave him all alone or does the universe have plans for him?

Fuck it, fuck you sun, why can't you let me sleep anymore? Uh, I need to get up and go to J-why-pee university, could life get any terrible?

I just got ready and left this house without having any breakfast. The university isn't far so I just take a walk. People wonder why I do the things like they do when I'm hella rich but those bitches need to understand that they still have something I don't have. A family, a loving family.

Honestly I don't even know why I'm even continuing with this life. I do want to end it all but something in me tells me that I shouldn't. Can't even decide whether I need to live or just end all the sufferings.

Being lost in thoughts I bump into a tall man, black hair and all I can say is he is Gorgeous.

"Oh, hello mister, can't you look where you are heading to huh?" He said to me in his dark husky voice. Even though all I want to do is punch his face, I still admit that it was my fault. But why so rude? Asshole.

"Look, I'm really sorry, I was too lost in my thoughts to notice what was happening. I'm sorry." I said politely but God decided to be cruel to me today, which was everyday.

"That ain't my problem you freak. You are the rich bitch right?"

"Yes I am the rich bitch, so what?" I said, it's tiring to be polite. Fuck it.

"Yeah, no wonder everyone talks about you like that. Like the stupid shit you are, just because you are drowned in money doesn't mean you can hurt people." H-hurt people? I know I am sassy and sometimes a bitch but only to those who deserve it.

"Look, I have no idea what you are talking about and whom did I hurt huh?"

"Stop pretending Lee Felix. Don't act like a sunshine when you are actually not. You are not sunshine, you are nothing compared to it." It hurts, it's nothing new but what have I done, what have I done to do all this?

"Get out of my way....Hyunjin." Yeah, a stupid fuck that hates me. I don't even know why. He hates me because I'm rich? Probably yes.

He didn't say anything but just turned away from he and went to the class.

I enter into class and I'm late, there was no other place for me to sit except Hyunjin. I rather have a bus crash over me.

"Oh Felix you're here, go take the place beside Hyunjin." The teacher said and he is the only teacher I like here. I just go towards him and he looks at me with disgust.

I'm tired of it, I don't even know why he hates me so much. Why would someone say so mean things to me when I haven't even done anything.

I couldn't focus in class. It's getting worse. My mother died when I was young. My father only knows to drown in two things : work and alcohol. Beats me up when he is angry, sends some money to my account when he is happy.

I don't have friends. People have just considered me to be a bitch just because I don't talk but who am I supposed to talk to when I don't have anyone.

Will anyone understand that this bitch is only looking for love he'll never have.


Now that he sits next to me I get to see his facial features even better. He looks ethereal.

I hate him, only because of his money. I work my ass off to three meals a day. I always think he is a bitch because of the way I have seen him talk to some people.

But today he looks kind of....hurt, broken. He isn't even paying attention to class though I understand why because it's history but still. He is lost in his thoughts, is it the same thoughts he was talking at morning?

Maybe yes, because I see a tear slipping off from his eyes, is it because of me? Did I hurt him with what I said?

I just don't understand why I'm even worried for this guy but seeing him cry is even terrible than my financial condition.

I took a small paper and wrote 'meet me at the roof top after this class'.

I pushed the paper towards him and he gave me a confused look after he read.

Seeing his red and puffy eyes makes me feel sad and even bad when I know that I could probably one of the reason.


"Why did you call me here, what do you want?" He sounds annoyed.

"I'm sorry Felix." I said.

"Sorry for what?" He was totally confused.

"For being mean. You cried because of me today."

"What the fuck are you saying Hwang, come to the point."

"I saw you crying today and maybe you did because of me." I said with a heavy heart. I felt guilty. Seeing his face makes me even guiltier.

"Oh, I didn't cry because of you, I'm used to it. I have other things to cry for." He said the last part more like a whisper but I heard it.

"Other things?" I asked knowing I have no rights to do that.

"Yes other things HWANG HYUNJIN. Do you think being rich is enough huh? Be grateful that you have a family that loves you, cares for you and tries their best to provide you with the things you need but look at my shitty family. No one loves me, no one does. I hate everyone. I just wish I could die but no one lets me die as well. And yes I'm not a sunshine, I don't want to be one. I don't want to be the light to those people who only bring darkness to my life. That's how I'm. A fucking bitch." He said breaking down into tears. I'm such a bad person for judging him, for hurting him even more when he was already bleeding.

I waste no time and pull him to a tight hug. I rubbed his back and held his waist tight.

"I'm so so sorry lixie, I'm so sorry. None of this is your fault, I'm sorry that I was so drowned in my problems that I felt that everyone seemed to have a better life than me. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. Whatever I said, trust me I didn't mean it at all. I didn't even know what I was saying. I'm so sorry Lix."

He cried even more in my arms and I picked him up, his legs wrapping around my waist and my arms protectively holding his waist.

There was a bench, I helped him sit down and he pulled away from me hiding his face. I took my index finger and lifted his chin up to look at me.

And what I saw made my heart shatter. He looked so broken and I can't even put it back together.

I wiped his tears and he looked at me and said. "I want to run away Hyunjin, I want to escape, I never want to comeback, I want to di--" I kissed his lips.

It was soft and tasted like strawberry.

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