You're mine.

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A/n : Long chapter I guess. No spice thoughts. I might make it for the next story. Go ahead

Felix and Hyunjin, the pair that were known to be glued to each other. Now they're in university trying to fulfil their dreams in their respective fields. Their courses did separate them for a while but they always found time for each other despite their busy schedules. Always did things together or at least ended up cuddling together.

They were the most perfect pair and everyone knew that. Hyunjin was somewhat anti-social where as Felix is a social butterfly. The thing why Hyunjin became friends with Felix was because how pure and innocent Felix was. How he always tried to cheer everyone up when he himself was facing downfall in his life. How is smile brighted up Hyunjin's day. Hyunjin did make more friends namely Changbin, Bang Chan and Minho. But Felix was his favourite and who didn't know that he was whipped for the freckled boy.

Felix had a huge crush on Hyunjin since the day first met in high school. He admires Hyunjin a lot, how patiently Hyunjin listens to all his blabberings even if it's about the most stupid thing in this world with so much adoration.
Hyunjin said that he didn't like physical touch but with Felix he was the clingy one. And Felix loved that. He knew that it is not just a puppy crush anymore. It was love. He was in a denial phase for longer time because he thought it would affect their friendship. So he kept lying to himself for so long that he eventually gave up lying to himself. But that didn't mean he would confese to Hyunjin. He wasn't the bold one, the fear of rejection, the fear of ruining such a beautiful friendship that they built over years and especially Hyunjin was not a social butterfly. Felix knew the deepest, darkest part of hyunjin and he knew that if his confession ruins their friendship, then it won't be a loss of friendship but also trust that was built. It took hyunjin a lot of time to open about himself.

But his feelings were growing. The more he lied the more the love grew. He had this special place for Hyunjin in his heart. He was in love with Hyunjin but also with the butterflies he gave to him, Hyunjin made him feel that he is special, he deserves all the love in this world. Being an social butterfly doesn't mean that he wasn't insecure. He was insecure. A lot more insecure than people thought him to be. But with Hyunjin, there was no place for his insecurities. He was loved. The only fear was that his love for him was something different. More than best friends.

But little did Felix know, Hyunjin was in love too. To scared to confess. That's what happens when you have a great friendship but the fear that you're the only one who loves the other more than friends eats you up. Hyunjin was different to Felix, he didn't notice it at the start but his friends made him realise. He first thought that he treated Felix a bit different because he was has a fragile heart that can break if you don't know to handle it with love and care.
But little did he know that he was in love before he knew himself.


"You sure you are not in love?" Minho said while grabbing a drink. "Why would I be? He is just my best friend."
"But you don't look at him like best friends look at each other." Minho said making Hyunjin confused.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Hyunjin started to get annoyed by Minho.
"I know that look hyunjin, I know that very well. I used to think about Jisung the same way, I thought he is just a best friend to me till I realised that I do things for him that I wouldn't do to my friends at all." Minho said while a small smile was lurking around his lips, remembering how confusing yet beautiful those feelings are.

"So can I ask you some questions, let me be your cupid." Minho said like he was more waiting for the friends to be couple.

"Fine." Hyunjin said scared for the outcome. He knew that Minho would be the right guidance no matter how much he was annoyed at that point.

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